Adding and updating House Product
House Types & Facade configuration is done in the Framework Administration application (not Framework ECM - Installation of the app, if required, can be found in your mapped Framework Drive :\Setup\Framework Administration\Framework Administration 6.3.90xx (ASA 3.9.0).msi)
Help guides can be found by clicking on the Help icon in the top menu bar and then selecting Contents. The Product menu, when expanded, will list the House Class, House Type and House Facade guides.
Please note: For the valid combinations of House Types, Façade and elevations etc to be available in the dropdown menus within Framework, there is a final step that must be completed. Product Validity is used to link these records together. This ensures only correct combinations of House types and facades are selected in the system.
1. House Design Names –
A house type is the most common reference to a house, based on its features and its size. The house type is linked to a selected house class. The House Type screen is used to manage the different house types.
Open the Framework Administration application and navigate to the Product menu on the left Context Menu Bar.
Click on the Product tab
Click on Type
From the drop down box select the House Class for the House Type you want to add.
Click the new button (lower right of screen) - a new dialog screen appears
In the Name field - add the design name
Click the Reference dropdown box - ref name will auto populate
Click OK.
2. Façade Names -
The House Facade screen is used to manage house facades. Each house façade may be used for a number of house types, so they are not linked to specific house types at this stage. House facades can be linked to individual house types through the House Validity screen.
Open the Framework Administration application and navigate to the Product menu on the left Context Menu Bar.
Click on the Product tab
Click on Facade
Click the New button (lower right of screen) - a new dialog screen appears
In the Name field - add the Facade name
Click the Reference dropdown box - ref name will auto populate
Click OK.
3. Validity –
The Validity screen is used to link together façade, series, and siting records to a house type.
Creating House Facade Validity
As previously: Open the Framework Administration application and navigate to the Product menu on the left Context Menu Bar. Select the Validity tab
Select the Validity tab
From the Validity list, select Facade.
From the House Types list, select a house type. The Valid Items list will be updated.
Click New. The Valid House Facade dialog will be displayed.
Enter the details.
Click OK. The dialog will close and a new house facade valid item will be created.
Creating House Series Validity
From the Validity list, select Series.
From the House Types list, select a house type. The Valid Items list will be updated.
Click New. The Valid House Facade dialog will be displayed.
Enter the details.
Click OK. The dialog will close and a new house series valid item will be created.
Creating House Siting Validity
From the Validity list, select Siting.
From the House Types list, select a house type. The Valid Items list will be update.
Click New. The Valid House Siting dialog will be displayed.
Enter the details.
Click OK. The dialog will close and a new house siting valid item will be created.