Framework Installation : Framework Specification Management

Framework Installation : Framework Specification Management

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The following guide is designed to install Framework Specification Management on the system.

Pre-Requisite Checklist

Step 1 - Install Framework Specification Management

On all systems required to run Framework Specification Management:

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Framework Specification Management\vx.x.x\Setup\ (where x.x.x refers to the latest version of Framework Logistics Desktop).

  3. Double-click Framework Specification Management.msi. The Welcome step will be displayed.

  4. Click Next . The Licence Agreement step will be displayed.

  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.

  6. Click Next. The Customer Information step will be displayed.

  7. Enter User Name and Organisation details.

  8. Select Anyone who uses this computer (all users).

  9. Click Next. The Setup Type step will be displayed.

  10. Select Complete.

  11. Click Next. The Ready To Install the Program step will be displayed.

  12. Click Install to begin the installation.

  13. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Step 2 - Test Framework Framework Specification Management

  1. Start Framework Specification Management (Start > All Programs > Insula Software > Framework Specification Management).

  2. Log on to the system.

Step 3 - User Acceptance Tests

The following is a list of view only tests that should be performed after installing the application.

These tests should only be performed after the first installation of Framework Specification Management.

Screen / View

Menu Path


Screen / View

Menu Path


Start Framework Specification Management

Log in as a user other than a super-user

View all screens via menu bar

View all screens via side bar

Step 4 (if applicable)

To allow the editing of Master Specification Management data

If users are required to edit Master Specification Management data, create a new Framework Specification Management Shortcut using the below instructions. 
Note: Users will see the below message is they do not have permission to edit Master Specification Management data.

Create a New Framework Specification Management Shortcut

Before creating a new Framework Specification Management shortcut, please ensure that Framework Specification Management is installed in the hosted environment.

  1. Login to the hosted environment (e.g., Citrix or RDP).

  2. Right-click a blank area of the Windows desktop and select New > Shortcut. The Create Shortcut dialog will be displayed.

  3. Enter or browse to the location of the Framework Specification Management executable file (exe).

    • Typically: C:\Program Files\Insula Group Pty Ltd\Framework Framework SpecMgmt\Bin

  4. Once the location of the .exe file has been entered or selected, edit the Properties and add the following command line switch (to the Target) after the end quote and include a space (" ) /AllowMasterDataEdit. The following image is an example.

  5. Click the Next

  6. Enter a shortcut name (e.g., Framework Specification Management (Edit Master Data)).

  7. Click the Finish A shortcut will be created on the desktop.

  8. Click the OK.

    To run the software, double-click the new Framework Specification Management desktop icon.


The shortcut:

  • Can be published to the hosted environment.

  • Can be copied to the appropriate Windows Start Menu location, if required.