Framework Installation : Before you Begin

Framework Installation : Before you Begin

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Framework Databases

The full Framework Product Suite incorporates up to eight (8) DSN connections. The table below lists the ODBC DSN connections that each application requires.

Depending on the Framework applications to be installed, the Framework Product Suite requires a number of ODBC DSN connections to the Microsoft SQL Server databases.

Framework Product Suite Software


Database(s) Required




Database(s) Required



Framework ECM

Framework ECM

Framework Licence

Framework Service




Framework Administration

Framework ECM


Framework Logistics Desktop

Framework ECM


Framework Logistics Tablet

Framework ECM

Framework Logistics Tablet



Framework Integration

Framework Integration Mapping


Framework MyNewHome

Framework MyNewHome


Framework Sales Advice Management

Framework Sales Advice

Framework Sales Advice Master



Framework Specification Management

Framework ECM


Framework VPB Browser

Framework ECM


Framework Product Suite Web Portal Software


Database(s) Required




Database(s) Required



Framework MyNewHome Web Portal

Framework ECM

Framework Licence

Framework Service




Framework QuickView Web Portal

Framework ECM

Framework Licence

Framework Service




Framework SupplierConnect Web Portal

Framework ECM

Framework Licence

Framework Service




Framework Version Numbers

The Framework Product Suite assigns each version of the software with a unique version number. For the Framework Product Suite, these numbers include: 

  • Major Version Number

  • Minor Version Number

  • Revision Number


Framework v6.2.1000. In this example: 
  The Major Version Number is 6
  The Minor Version Number is 2
  The Revision Number is 1000.

Framework Folders

This guide refers to the location of the Framework Product Suite folders as the [fw folder]. This location contains all of the files required to install and run the Framework Product Suite.

The location of the [fw folder] is typically on a server with workstations connecting to this location via a mapped network drive.

Server Example: The [fw folder] location is typically C:\Framework\Framework\
Workstation Example: The [fw folder] location is typically the mapped network drive W:\Framework\

The following image is an example of a typical server [fw folder] setup.

The following table is a list of all folders contained within the Framework installation location (typically on the server).

Folder Name


Folder Name



This folder may contain additional program files and executables.


The default location for all Framework databases.


The default location for all Framework Microsoft SQL Server databases.


The location of all available Software Documentation.

Documentation sub-folders are based on software version numbers.


The default location for storing image files used in the Framework Product Suite (e.g., Logos, Context Identification Images, etc.).


The default location for the storage of job related files. These are accessed via the Linked Files functionality in Framework.


The default location for Framework log files.


Contains the mergeTest.doc file that contains all of the fields available for customised mail merge documents.

For more information about creating mail merge documents, see the Document Merge.


Contains all available reports for the Framework Product Suite. Customised reports will also be located in this folder.


The default location for the Crystal Report Server files.


The default location for Insula Software supplied databases, such as default databases.


Contains the setup folders for all products required during the installation process.


Contains the latest version of the Framework Specification document.


The temporary folder used by Framework for storing temporary system files.


The default location for Framework tools (e.g., CSG Data Administration Tool, Find Broken Links, etc.).


The default location for the Framework Logistics triggers database.


Contains the files required to upgrade the Framework Product Suite databases.

Framework Initialisation File

Every Framework product is installed with a Framework Initialisation file (framework.ini). The default location for the file is: 

  • Windows 7, 8, 10 (32-Bit): C:\Program Files\Insula Group Pty Ltd\[Framework Application]\Bin

  • Windows 7, 8, 10 (64-Bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Insula Group Pty Ltd\[Framework Application]\Bin

This file can be modified for customised database implementations.

For a standard installation, such as the one included in this guide, the framework.ini file is configured for Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) with standard settings. No changes are required to this file for a standard installation.

This file can be modified and deployed for customised database implementations.

Framework Licensing

Framework employs both hardware and software based anti-piracy measures to ensure that only licensed copies of the software will operate correctly. The ability to install such hardware and software is a requirement of Framework installations.

All software licensing and activation is stored in the Sentinel Hardware Licence Key and in the Framework database.

Framework employs concurrent licensing which is a software licence that is based on the number of simultaneous users accessing the program.


Network Information

The following network information is relevant to any installation of the Framework Product Suite. Please ensure this information is available prior to the installation.

  • Server names and Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses

    • Including subnet masks for each Network Interface Card (NIC)

  • Domain Server Names

  • Domain Server Name (DSN) Addresses

  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Mail Settings

  • Gateway Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses

  • Network Security Setup

  • Microsoft SQL Server Authentication Mode

  • Microsoft SQL Server Database Security

  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) Details

  • Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Access Details

  • Hexadecimal and Decimal Details of the Sentinel Hardware Licence Key (supplied by Insula Software)

  • Tablet PC Names

Software Documentation

The Framework Product Suite includes a range of documentation.  These are all available at Framework Guides.

  • Upgrade & Installation Guide
    Designed for system administrators and super users

  • User Guide
    Every product contains a user guide. For users, these guides are accessible in-product via the Help > Contents menu.

  • Release Notes
    Every product contains release notes. For users, these release notes are accessible in-product via the Help > Release Notes menu.

  • Additional Guides
    Best Practice and solution based guides, accessible from Framework ECM via the Help > Addtional Guides menu.

Upgrades And Updates

Updates and upgrades to the Framework Product Suite are available at regular intervals throughout the year.


Framework Updates are designed to update the Framework Product Suite from one revision number to another.

Framework updates are designed to address minor problems in the software and can include bug fixes, screen changes, increasing stability and performance, and usability improvements. Updating the Framework Product Suite is typically performed by uninstalling the previous version and installing the latest version.

For more information, see the relevant Framework Product Suite Update Guide.


Framework Upgrades are designed to upgrade a Framework product from one major or minor version to another.

Framework upgrades are a full replacement of the product and generally require major preparation due to the changes involved. Sometimes a Framework Upgrade will involve a change to the underlying database or bring the system up-to-date with the latest software (e.g., new Microsoft operating systems) and hardware. Upgrades will also include new functionality and include all of the previous bug fixes, screen changes, stability and usability improvements offered in the regular updates. Documentation will also be expanded with each new upgrade.

For more information, see the relevant Framework Product Suite Upgrade Guide.

Release Schedule

To keep up to date with the Framework Product Suite release schedule, please visit the Framework website at: www.frameworkecm.com.au or read the Specifications document (Insula Framework Specifications.doc) located in: \\[fw folder]\Specifications\

The Sprint Schedule is available at https://insulagroup.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IGPUB/pages/238092304/Insula+Scheduling+-+Agile+Sprints+public.

Insula Software's monthly Framework newsletter contains information about current releases. To receive this email, Contact Insula Software.

User Acceptance Tests (UAT)

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a process to obtain confirmation that the modification or addition to software meets mutually agreed-upon requirements. UAT is performed by putting the software through a series of functions. These tests must be performed before the client implements the software in a live environment.

Following the Framework Product Suite upgrade, administrators are tasked to perform some basic tests to ensure all elements of the software are installed and working correctly. These tests are included as part of the upgrade process.


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