Onsite Safety Release and Roadmap Info
Onsite Safety Usage
Articles in this section are for the users of the web appliance.
Onsite Safety Administration
Articles in this section are for use by technical staff maintaining the database and integration.
Onsite Safety FAQ
Articles in this section provide answers to frequently asked questions on the Onsite Inspect appliances.
Onsite Safety Release Notes and Roadmap
Details of the features delivered in specific platform releases and details of what is in the Roadmap for the product.
Onsite Safety Resource Centre
Onsite Safety Ideas Portal
Perspective Platform Resource Centre
This article steps you through the workflow of an incident showing what notifications and actions are required.
An incident can be reported from the following areas;
Activities > Incidents
Resources > Projects
In this article, we will be following an incident raised from the Project screen.
Stage 1 - Open
When an incident is raised, it has a status of Open.
Refer to this article to see who will be notified of incidents.
Stage 2 -Raising a task
In the incident screen expand the Tasks accordion to Raise a Task.
When you click on the button the following screen is displayed.
Stage 3 - In Progress
When a task has been raised against an incident, the status changes to In Progress.
Stage 4 - Completing the task
When the person who the task is assigned to logs into the Safety portal, they will see the task in the Activities > Tasks screen.
When they open the task they will see the details;
When they click on Start the status of the task changes to Started;
When the user clicks Complete they can enter a comment
Stage 5 - Signing off the task
From within the task click Sign Off and optionally add a comment