Workflow of Incidents
This article steps you through the workflow of an incident showing what notifications and actions are required.
An incident can be reported from the following areas;
Activities > Incidents
Resources > Projects
In this article, we will be following an incident raised from the Project screen.
Stage 1 - Open
When an incident is raised, it has a status of Open.
Refer to this article to see who will be notified of incidents.
Stage 2 -Raising a task
In the incident screen expand the Tasks accordion to Raise a Task.
When you click on the button the following screen is displayed.
Stage 3 - In Progress
When a task has been raised against an incident, the status changes to In Progress.
Stage 4 - Completing the task
When the person who the task is assigned to logs into the Safety portal, they will see the task in the Activities > Tasks screen.
When they open the task they will see the details;
When they click on Start the status of the task changes to Started;
When the user clicks Complete they can enter a comment
Stage 5 - Signing off the task
From within the task click Sign Off and optionally add a comment.
Stage 6 - Completing the incident
When all tasks raised on an incident are complete you can Resolve it.