Contact roles are used to control security and access throughout all of the platform applications. There are two types of roles within the platform;
Standard platform roles. You can tell when a role is standard as its owner is shown as Perspective Platform.
Platform licensee specific roles. Each platform licensee can create its own set of roles. These can be used in certain areas of the platform, such as Onsite Safety and Almirah, to give additional levels of control over access and security.
Standard Platform Roles
Role Name | Description | Contacts must Accept | Valid Contact Types |
DMS - eSign Management | Users with this role can configure eSign documents. | Yes | Real Person |
DMS - System Administrator | Users with this role can perform all DMS functions and also have access to the Administration menu. | Yes | Real Person |
DMS - User | Users with this role can perform all basic no administration functionality within the DMS. | Yes | Real Person |
Entitlement - System Administrator | Users with this role can perform all standard entitlements functions and also have access to the Administration menu. | Yes | Real Person |
Entitlement - User | Users with this role can use all of the non-administration functions of the Entitlements appliance. | Yes | Real Person |
Gateway - Survey User API | This role is given to a (service account) user so that they have access to the API that processes Surveys. | Yes | Real Person |
Gateway - System Administrator | Users with this role can access all Gateway functions as well as the Administration menu. | Yes | Real Person |
Gateway - User | Users with this role can use all of the non-administration functions of the Gateway appliance. | Yes | Real Person |
Nexus - Project Customer | Users with this role will be able to access the Nexus portal and see their projects. | Yes | Real Person |
Nexus - System Administrator | Users with this role can access the Nexus menu in the Platform appliance. | Yes | Real Person |
Nexus - User | Users with this role can view the Nexus customer portal, | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - Arm/Disarm a Site for Motion Detection | Users with can arm/disarm the motion detection. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - Data Administrator | TBA | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - Device Allocator | Users with this role can assign an identity resource to a site. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - Device Installer | TBA | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - Manage Events | Users with this role can work with events logged via the Capture appliances. | No | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - Permission - Make Events Visible to Customers |
With this role users are able to make events | No | Real Person | |
Onsite Eye - Permission - Make Events Visible to Suppliers | TBA | No | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - Project Customer | Users with this role can view capture events on their projects. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - Resource Allocator | Users with this role can allocate resources to a site so events can be stored against it. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - Site Creator | TBA | No | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - Subscription - Camera Motion Alert | TBA | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - System Administrator | TBA | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Eye - User | Users with this role can log into the |
Yes | Real Person | ||
Onsite Inspect - Data Administrator | Users with this role can configure inspection templates and response groups used by structured inspections. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Inspect - Inspector | Users with this role can perform inspections on both the mobile and web appliance. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Inspect - Project Customer | Users with this role can perform inspections, that have been assigned to them, on their projects. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Inspect - System Administrator | Users with this role have access to the Administration menu in the Onsite Inspect web appliance. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Inspect - User | Users with this role can access the Onsite Inspect web appliance. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Inspect - Vendor/Subcontractor | TBA | Yes | Real Organisation |
Onsite Safety - Subscription - User Bulletin (Monthly) | Users with this role will receive the monthly safety bulletin. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Safety - Subscription - User Bulletin (Weekly) | Users with this role will receive the weekly safety bulletin. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Safety - System Administrator | Users with this role have access to the Administration menu in Safety. | Yes | Real Person |
Onsite Safety - User | Users with this role can work in the Onsite Safety appliance. | Yes | Real Person |
Platform - Associate | Contacts with this role are associated with the platform licensee but have no specific function. | Yes | Real Person |
Platform - CCM Integration | TBA | No | Real Organisation |
Platform - Custom Content Administrator | Users with this role can create custom content. | Yes | Real Person |
Platform - Customer | Users with this role are customers of the platform licensee. | No | Real Person |
Platform - Customer Service Representative | Users with this role appear in customers Nexus portal for the projects where they are the customer rep. | No | Real Person |
Platform - Manage Organisation Contacts | Users with this role can update details on contacts, | Yes | Real Person |
Platform - Notification - Custom Content Data Change | Users with this role will receive notifications when custom content is changed. | Yes | Real Person |
Platform - Organisation (Business) | This role is given to businesses connected to the licensee. | No | Real Organisation |
Platform - Platform Member | Users with this role can access the platform appliance. | Yes | Real Person |
Platform - Project Manager | Users with this role appear in customers Nexus portal for the projects where they are the project manager. | No | Real Person |
Platform - Project Supervisor | Users with this role appear in customers Nexus portal for the projects where they are the projects supervisor. | No | Real Person |
Platform - Related Organisation/Business | Organisations with this role can perform inspections for the licensee. | Yes | Real Organisation |
Platform - Salesperson | Users with this role appear in customers Nexus portal for the projects where they are the salesperson. | No | Real Person |
Platform - Staff/Employee | Users with this role are employed by the licensee. | No | Real Person |
Platform - Vendor/Subcontractor | Contacts with this role provide good or subcontract for the licensee. | Yes | Real Organisation |
SupplyChain - Accounts Payable Management | Users with this role can perform accounts payable functions in Supply Chain. | Yes | Real Person |
SupplyChain - Notification - Purchase Orders | TBA | Yes | Real Organisation |
SupplyChain - Permission - Approve All Approval Requests | TBA | Yes | Real Person |
SupplyChain - Permission - Impersonate User | TBA | Yes | Real Person |
SupplyChain - Subscription - Approval Requests (Sys Admin) | TBA | Yes | Real Person |
SupplyChain - Subscription - Approval Requests (User) | TBA | Yes | Real Person |
SupplyChain - SupplyChain Bulletin | Users with this role will receive the Supply Chain bulletin. | Yes | Real Person |
SupplyChain - System Administrator | Users with this role have access to the Administration menu in Supply. | Yes | Real Person |
SupplyChain - User | Users with this role can work in Supply. | Yes | Real Person |
Workflow - System Administrator | TBA | Yes | Real Person |
Workflow - User | TBA | Yes | Real Person |
Creating a new Role
Set your perspective to be Platform - Manage Organisation Contacts.
When you click on Add Contact Role, the following screen is displayed.
Field | Description | |
1 | Role NAme | A meaningful name for the role. |
2 | Valid Contact Types | Roles can belong to the following contact types;
3 | Contacts are required to accept connection requests when assigned this contact role. | If ticked then when you assign this role to a contact they will receive an email with a link on it that when they click on it will acknowledge their acceptance of the role. |
4 | Save | Saves the role. |
Roles for Onsite Eye
As a minimum to check in to a site a user must be registered on the Platform.
To be able to search for sites using the Onsite Eye app the user must have the role Platform - Staff/Employee.
To be able to make recorded events visible to customers/suppliers
There are two separate roles
Onsite Eye - Permission - Make Events Visible to Customers
Onsite Eye - Permission - Make Events Visible to Suppliers
To be able to assign/relocate QR code signs the user must have the Onsite Eye - Resource Allocator role.
To be able to control any motion detection elements of the Onsite Eye solution the user must have the role Onsite Eye - Arm/Disarm a Site for Motion Detection.