Duplicate Items Appearing On Sales Quote

Duplicate Items Appearing On Sales Quote

You may encounter an issue occasionally where the same item appears multiple times on a Sales Quote in SAM.

This issue is caused by the incorrect set up of the salesperson in question where the Salesperson In Framework field is set to Not Applicable

Setting fields as N/A instead of selecting the appropriate salesperson name causes ALL sales people that are linked to N/A to each produce their own 'items' within this quote - despite the quote being correct in the way the items are set up. It is therefore resolved by ensuring that a) SAM users have Salesperson role allocated in Framework ECM and b) the appropriate changes are made to ensure that the 'Salesperson in Framework' dropdown select has the users name (I.e. through a LAN Synch to update data after changes are made).

Before undertaking the below steps, please ensure that users have been setup in Framework Ecm to include the Salesperson role, otherwise they wont be available to select from the 'Salesperson from Framework' dropdown after LAN Synchronising.

This requires access to Framework ECM Administration Module, and LAN Synch within Sales Advice.

As a requirement for this guide, you will need to undertake a LAN Synchronisation of Framework users. If you are unfamiliar with this, please follow this guide.

In Framework Ecm:

  1. Navigate to the administration module, and then select Entity / Entity from the side

  2. From the entity roles, select 'staff member' to bring up all staff currently available within the system

  3. Edit the user that requires the 'Salesperson' role

  4. Navigate to the roles tab, and select New Item from the top bar

  5. Add in the Salesperson role for appropriate users, selecting region/division if applicable

In Sales Advice:

  1. Open Framework Sales Advice Management

  2. Navigate to File>LAN Synchronise...

  3. Navigate to the Administration tab and select the relevant Salesperson under Sales Advice users

  4. Click the drop down next to Salesperson In Framework and select the relevant salesperson. ( In this case, CSG Group)

  5. Save and restart SAM

Additionally, you may need to assign the salesperson within Sales Advice to not be 'Not Applicable', and instead reflect the Salesperson who is actually producing the quote for the client.

Edit the Sales Advice item producing the duplicate items and then:

  1. Click the three dots next to the Salesperson field

  2. Select the appropriate salesperson for this potential client

  3. Select OK

  4. Select OK

This prospects sales quotation should now produce correctly without any duplication of the items.

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