Framework Sales Advice Management User Guide

Framework Sales Advice Management User Guide

Framework Sales Advice Management is a dedicated point-of-sale solution for salespeople either at display centres or in the field and is able to operate in a stand-alone or hosted configuration. Framework Sales Advice Management allows the synchronisation and download of Framework information to the stand-alone sales advice database. This data includes:

  • House Product Lists

  • House Packages

  • Price Lists

  • Inclusions Lists

  • Options Lists

  • Variation Price Book

The system can be operated remotely, drawing on this data when providing prospective clients with product, pricing, and available variation options, producing printed quotations and documentation.

Multiple sales advice and quotation documents can be created for a single client to record changes and/or additional requirements, maintaining a revision history and version control.

Each sales advice contains detailed contact information for the client or prospect, including name, address, contact numbers, land, and house product selection information. There is also a Client Relationship Management section where discussions and contacts can be recorded, as well as alerts and reminders.

Captured sales advice management data is synchronised with the office Framework system (via LAN) enabling the quick creation of clients and/or tender and variation documentation from data already entered by the salesperson.