Setting Up FWINT - Workstation (Databuild)
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Used to setup Databuild (Client/Job/Accounts/Purchase Orders) integration on a users workstation.
This is not recommended unless absolutely essential, as we want to restrict the amount of user machines running integration
Step-by-step guide
First and foremost, the Framework Integration application needs to be installed. This should be kept on the Framework Mapped Drive under the setup folder:
Typical location might be:
(Mapped Drive Letter):\Framework\Setup\Framework Integration
Once this is installed, you need to add the Databuild ODBC connections, using Datasource ODBC (32 Bit, 64 Bit OS).
You can open this via: Start Menu → Insula Software → Data Sources...
The three important ODBC connections are, and need to be configured as follows:
FworkDbuildSys - setup using SQL Server driver, pointing to your production Databuild Database
FworkDbuildJob - setup using SQL Server driver, pointing to your production Databuild Database
FworkSQLIntMap - setup using SQL Server Native Client, pointing to the FworkSQLIntMap database
If there are any doubts, log into the Framework server and check the ODBC connections for the above data sources. You can write down the settings, and use this on your local workstation.
Once this is then setup, depending on your use of the Integration Software, you can send a 'batch' file, which will run the profiles in order to the desktop (as a shortcut), and then send out the logs after.
If you have any issues, please get in touch with us via email (click here).