Updating Framework Licence Database
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Insula Software recommends this procedure be performed outside of office hours to ensure there are no users connected to the servers. This will ensure there is no downtime for staff.
The following procedure will update the Framework Licence database. This procedure is required when upgrading clients to new versions of the Framework Product Suite and when clients purchase extra Framework Product Suite modules.
To complete the procedure, an updated licence file is required (typically called FrameworkLicence.zip). This encrypted file includes the changes required for the Framework Licence database.
The file is typically:
- Sent to the Framework Administrator, or
- Uploaded by Insula Software to the \\[fw folder]\Service\02 - Upgrade Data\ folder
Access to the Framework Configuration Utility is required to perform this procedure. This utility is available with the installation of Framework ECM.
To open the Framework Configuration Utility, click:
Windows Start menu > All Programs > Insula Software > Framework Configuration Utility
Implement Framework Licence File
If required, copy the Framework Licence Zip file to the \\[fw folder]\Service\ folder.
Shutdown Framework ECM
In Framework Configuration Utility:
Click the Shutdown tab.
Under the Framework Shutdown group, enter the shutdown details.
Click Shutdown for each applicable database.
Update The Framework Licence Database
In Framework Configuration Utility:
Click the Licensing tab.
Click Update. The Update Licence dialog will be displayed.
Browse to the location of the Framework Licence Zip file. Typically: \\[fw folder]\Service\02 - Upgrade Data\
Select the Framework Licence Zip file.
Click Open. A confirmation prompt will appear.
Click OK. The Framework Licence database will be updated.
Restart Framework ECM
In Framework Configuration Utility:
Click the Shutdown tab.
Under the Framework Shutdown group, click Restart Now. Framework will be accessible.
3. Click OK. The Framework Configuration Utility will close.
4. Open Framework and test the login