This document outlines the new functionality added to the Onsite Safety in the 3rd release of 2019.
Organisations can validate their own compliance
When they are viewing the organisations perspective there is now an additional tile Compliance Validation. When they select the tile they see all the mandatory compliance items their staff have uploaded, which have not been validated.
When they click on the item they can view the item and Approve or Reject it.
When they click on Approve the user will see the following message;
Top of page
Project Specific Compliance Management (PSCM)
There is now the ability to define compliance at a project level. This will allow you for example to specify that any subcontractors must supply a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) for each project that they are working on.
Click here to see an article on using the Project Specific Compliance Management
Ability to add a task to a project without an incident
Previously to raise a task against a project it had to be done against an incident. A new Tasks accordion has been added to the Project page which allows for the creation of tasks independent of incidents.
Add Staff accordion to Compliance Check and View Contact pages
You can now view the staff linked to an organisation when doing a compliance check.
The staff accordion is also available in the My Contacts screen when viewing the organisation.
You will need to be in the Company Perspective to view staff in this screen
Additional Content for incident management
The options Injury Location and Injury Class are now available when the Incident Type is Death.
Pre-fill profile details of invited staff with organisations details.
When a worker/staff member registers for Safety the Profession / Working For / Work Areas fields are pre-filled with the same information as was entered when the organisation registered.
The user can change this if required.
Invitation Emails to have Safety Registration Link
When a person receives an email to register for Safety they are taken to the Safety portal as opposed to the platform