Additional functionality has been introduced to the existing Bulk Updates from within the single call forward viewtool.
This feature allows users to shift existing call ups by a number of days.
Where SupplierConnect is enabled, this will also resend new notifications to suppliers/trades with the updated dates.
The new date will take into consideration any non-possible days programmed into the calendar, such as shutdown periods, public holidays, and job non-possible days as a result of delays.
Functionality Delivered
To use the Bulk Update option, activities must be selected by tagging them. This is done by clicking into the '#' field for the activities.
You will see that a red bar appears against any activities currently tagged.
After tagging the desired activities, press the Bulk Update option.
Must not be complete
Must have a called for dateCalled/Uncalled activities are both eligible
If it is not eligible, it will not appear in the reschedule dialog.
Reschedule Dialog
From the Bulk Reschedule dialog, the following fields are available
Activity Number
Activity Name
Current Called Date
Current Called For Date
Called For (New) Date
In order to To shift the activities , the Shift # Days field must be entered into.The Left/Right the left/right arrows can be used to specify the number of days, or you can type a desired value into the fieldthe Shift field can be entered into directly with a number.
The value must be between -10 and +10 (i.e., you can only schedule minus or plus 10 days from the currently scheduled date).
After a # of days has been specified, press the Shift button, and the “New” date will appearpopulate.
Note: No data changes will be saved until you press OK.
The Shift process takes into consideration any non-possible days such as public holidays, weekends, shutdown periods or job specific delays.
If these are not kept up-to-date by the office it is possible for the reschedule to fall over these days.