
  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Database - MSSQL\Microsoft - SQL Server Native Client Driver\

    Install the correct Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Driver (either 2005 or 2008) based on the version of Microsoft SQL Server installed on the server.

  3. Double-click the relevant setup file. The Microsoft SQL Server Native Client installation will begin.
  4. Click the Next The Licence Agreement step will be displayed.
  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.
  6. Click the Next The Registration Information step will be displayed.
  7. Enter the registration details.
  8. Click the Next The Feature Selection step will be displayed.
  9. Click the Next The Ready To Install the Program step will be displayed.
  10. Click the Install button to begin the installation.
  11. Click the Finish button to complete the installation.


  1. Open Data Sources (ODBC).
  2. Select the System DSN
  3. Click the Add The Create New Data Source dialog will be displayed.
  4. Select SQL Native Client 10.0.
  5. Click the Finish The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog will be displayed.
  6. Enter the following details:
    • Name: FworkSQLSAMaster
    • Description (optional): Enter a description for the database connection. For example, Framework Sales Advice Master.
    • Server: Select the SQL Server from the Server drop-down list.
      Enter the SQL Server name.

      If there is an error following Step 8, change the server name above to: \[server name]\SQLEXPRESS

  7. Click the Next
  8. Click the Next
  9. Tick Change the default database to.
  10. From the drop-down list select: FworkSQLSAMaster
  11. Click the Next
  12. Click the Finish The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will be displayed.
  13. Click the Test Data Source...
  14. If successful, click the OK
  15. Click the OK The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will close.
  16. Click the OK The Data Sources (ODBC) dialog will close.
