

Changes made to the RMS can significantly alter the underlying Framework ECM database. Please consult with Insula Software before making changes.

All fields in Framework ECM are grouped together by a commonality. These groups are called tables. The RMS Table screen allows for the creation, modification, and deletion of these tables.


The RMS Table screen is the physical table in the Framework ECM database.

RMS Table Dialog


This dialog is used to create an RMS table. Changes made to this area of the system will be overwritten when an upgrade is performed.

General Group



Primary Field

Primary field (also known as the primary key) for the physical RMS table. Click thePrimary Field popup button to select.

A primary key is a unique identifier for a database record. When a table is created, one of the fields must be assigned as the primary key.

Physical Name

Physical name given to the RMS table in the Framework ECM database.

Example: addr, cfwd_activity, etc.

Logical Name

Logical, or user friendly, name given to the RMS table.

- The logical name of the physical addr table would be Address.
- The logical name of the physical cfwd_activity table would be Call Forward Activity.

Constant Name

Constant, or shortened, name given to the RMS table.

- The constant name of the physical table cal_day table would be calDay.
- The constant name of the physical table cfwd_tPgm table would be CfwdTPgm.
- The constant name of the physical table addr table would be addr.


Order number of the RMS table. This number determines the order of the Tables list on the RMS Table screen.

Notes Group

Free text area for notes regarding the RMS table.