- Persons using Insula Software’s SMS services for any reason whatsoever bind themselves and agree to these terms and conditions.
- Should a User not agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement or be unable to comply with these terms and conditions, the User should immediately cease using this service and/or terminate the registration process.
- Credits will be assigned to your account when you sign up for our SMS service. Should the credits assigned to your account be cancelled due to non-payment, you will have to re-apply for and pre-pay for credits before you can start using our SMS service again.
- Scheduled maintenance. We may suspend our SMS services for up to 6 hours per month for scheduled maintenance of our systems. We will notify you of scheduled maintenance at least 24 hours before it starts.
- Continued use of the Service. Insula Software shall make all reasonable endeavours to ensure uninterrupted and continued use of the services, however the delivery of SMS messages is largely dependent on the effective functioning of Network Operators’ cellular networks, network coverage and the SMS recipient’s mobile handset. Insula Software does not and cannot guarantee the availability of any service, the delivery of SMS messages or the compatibility between any message or content format and any particular mobile handsets or mobile operating systems.
- Network Operators may modify, enhance, develop or discontinue components of their services at any time without prior notice, in which event Insula Software shall be entitled to modify, enhance, develop or discontinue affected services to Users without notice.
- Modification, suspension or termination of Service. Insula Software shall use its reasonable endeavours to provide the User with advance notice of any modification, suspension or termination of its services and shall endeavour to minimise the duration of any suspension thereof in so far as this is reasonably practicable.
- Message delivery. Messages shall be deemed to have been delivered when our gateway has sent the messages to the immediate destination that it is requested to send to, including, but not limited to, mobile telephone networks, SMTP or other servers.
- Termination of Services. Insula Software shall have the right to withhold, terminate or suspend the provision of services to the User at any time. Where this Agreement or the provision of any service is terminated by Insula Software for any reason other than breach by the User or discontinuance of a service by a Network Operator, Insula Software shall refund all monies already paid in advance by the User for any unused terminated service.