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The following guide is designed to upgrade the The Finance Shop Product Suite software and database on a standalone workstation. The Standalone Workstation environment is designed for a single computer system that will store all of the software and hardware required to use The Finance Shop Product Suite.

Important: The server installation MUST only be performed once. 

Step 1 - Implement The Finance Shop Files


  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[tfs folder]\Setup\Sentinel Protection Installer\v7.6.6\
  3. Double-click setup.exe. The Sentinel Protection Installer Welcome dialog will be displayed.
  4. Click Next. The Licence Agreement will be displayed.
  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.
  6. Click Next. The Setup Type dialog will be displayed.
  7. Select Complete.
  8. Click Next. The Ready To Install the Program dialog will be displayed.
  9. Click Install to begin the installation.
  10. Click Finish.


Step 3 - Install Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5


Note: The system may need to be restarted after the installation. 

Step 4 - Install Microsoft Powershell 1.0


  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[tfs folder]\Setup\Database - MSSQL 2008\Microsoft - Powershell 1.0\
  3. Double click the relevant setup file. The Software Update Installation Wizard dialog will be displayed.
  4. Click the Next button. The License Agreement dialog will be displayed.
  5. Select I Agree.
  6. Click Next. The installation will begin.
  7. Once the update is complete, click Finish.


Step 5 - Install Microsoft DotNet 3.5


Note: The computer may need to be restarted after the installation. 

Step 6 - Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008


  1. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager (Start > All Programs > SQL Server 2008 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager).
  2. Log on to the system.
  3. Expand: SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for MSSQLSERVER
  4. Enable TCP/IP.
  5. Enable Named Pipes.

    Note: A warning prompt will inform that these changes will not apply until the service is shut down and restarted.
  6. Restart the SQL Server Service.


Step 7 - Restore Database


  1. In the File Name field, enter the file name: TFSMain_log.ldf
  2. Click the OK button.
  3. Click the OK button. The database restoration will be performed.
  4. Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.


Step 8 - Configure Microsoft SQL Server Security


  • Insert the USB Sentinel Hardware Licence Key into a USB port on the back of the computer.


Step 10 - ODBC DSN Configuration


Important: This step is ONLY required if The Finance Shop is to be installed on the server.

Critical: Microsoft Windows 64-Bit Operating Systems include two executable files to open ODBC Data Source Administrator. To connect to The Finance Shop, please use the secondary location listed below: 
  • Main Location: \\%SystemRoot%\system32\odbcad32.exe is used to create and maintain data source names for 64-bit applications.
  • Secondary Location: \\%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe is used to create and maintain data source names for 32-bit applications, including 32-bit applications that run on 64-bit operating systems.



Configuring The Finance Shop ODBC DSN


  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Tick Change the default database to.
  4. From the drop-down list select: TFSMain
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Finish. The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will be displayed.
  7. Click Test Data Source....
  8. If successful, click OK.
  9. Click OK. The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will close.
  10. Click OK. The Data Sources (ODBC) dialog will close.


Step 11 - Install Core Components


  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[tfs folder]\Setup\Core Components\v15.0\
  3. Double-click setup.exe. The Core Components Welcome dialog will be displayed.
  4. Click Next. The Licence Agreement dialog will be displayed.
  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.
  6. Click Next . The Customer Information dialog will be displayed.
  7. Enter User Name and Organisation details.
  8. Select Anyone who uses this computer (all users).
  9. Click Next. The Setup Type dialog will be displayed.
  10. Select Complete.
  11. Click Next . The Ready To Install the Program dialog will be displayed.
  12. Click Install to begin the installation.
  13. Click Finish to complete the installation.


Step 12 - Install The Finance Shop


  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to \[tfs folder]\Setup\The Finance Shop\The Finance Shop 11.0.x\Setup\
  3. Double-click TheFinanceShop 11.0.89xx (ASA 3.8.9).msi. The The Finance Shop installation process will begin.
  4. Click Next. The TFS Licence Agreement dialog will be displayed.
  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.
  6. Click Next. The Customer Information dialog will be displayed.
  7. Enter User Name and Organisation details.
  8. Select Anyone who uses this computer (all users).
  9. Click Next. The Setup Type dialog will be displayed.
  10. Select Complete.
  11. Click Next. The Ready To Install the Program dialog will be displayed.
  12. Click Install to begin the installation.
  13. Click Finish to complete the installation.


Step 13 - Configure The Sentinel Hardware Licence Key


  1. Open The Finance Shop Administration (Start > All Programs > Insula Software > TFS Administration). TheSecurity Log On dialog will be displayed.
  2. Log on to the system using the Username and Password supplied on the Software Licence Certificate.
  3. From the Administration menu, select Sentinel Key. The Sentinel Hardware Security Key dialog will be displayed.

  4. Enter the following information:
    • Key Code: Provided by Insula Software.
    • Database Server Name: Server/workstation name that hosts the The Finance Shop database.
    • Database DSN: The licence database name stored in the licence database. Typically TFSMain.
    • SSPro Server Name: Server/workstation name that hosts the Sentinel Hardware Licence Key. Typically this is the same as the Database Server Name.
  5. Under the License System heading: 
    • Licence System DSN: TFSMain
  6. Click Refresh. The yellow coloured fields will populate.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Close the Sentinel Hardware Security Key window.
  9. Exit the The Finance Shop Administration Tool.


Step 14 - The Finance Shop System Configuration


  1. Open The Finance Shop (Start > All Programs > Insula Software > The Finance Shop).
  2. Log on to the system using the Username and Password supplied on the Software Licence Certificate.
  3. From the Help menu, select Configuration. The System Configuration dialog will be displayed. The following image displays the default settings.

  4. In the Database column, confirm that the Drive and Folder locations are correct. If the TFS files were installed to a different location, modify them using the Browse buttons.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Restart The Finance Shop.


Step 15 - User Acceptance Tests


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Menu Path


Start The Finance Shop



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