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When you are logged in as a registered Supplier/Subcontractor who has also registered contacts of their organisation. When you first log in you will only see your personal details. You need to change to the company perspective.
When you click on the My Team button you will see all of your employees in the My Team screen.
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When you click on the Missing Compliance option you will be shown the items that they need to be able to work onsite. When you click on the item that you want to update the Add Compliance item screen for the person will be shown. You can add the information here.
You will then see the following screen. detailing the compliance item that you have just completed. |
2. The Incomplete Inductions shows how many inductions that the employee has to complete. If you are seeing items in this area you should notify your staff member to complete all inductions.
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The Unread Notifications shows how many inductions the employee has not read. If you are seeing items in this area you should notify your staff member to check their Notifications. |