Email templates allow TFS users to send pre-configured email or SMS messages to service providers or clients. The following categories are available. Application SmartLodge dialog (when emailing applications). Blank Communicate dialog. Client Communicate dialog (when emailing clients). Contact Communicate dialog (when emailing clients). Generic Entity Communicate dialog (when emailing an entity that is not a client contact, e.g vendor). Generic Entity (Client Specific) Communicate dialog (when emailing an entity but requiring client information). Quote Smartlodge dialog (when emailing quotes). SmartCampaign – Email Templates for smart campaign emails. SmartCampaign – SMS Templates for smart campaign SMS (not yet available). Example: The example below shows a template (on the left) and the outcome (on the right). Email Subject: Application # %Application Number% Dear %ClientPrimContact%, Your finance application has been approved. Yours Sincerely, %Broker% %Enterprise% Ph: %EnterpriseTel% Fax: %EnterpriseFax% Email: %EnterpriseEmail% Website: %EnterpriseWebsite% Email Subject: Application # 12345 Dear John, Your finance application has been approved. Yours Sincerely, Jim Jones CSG Finance Ph: (03) 9999-9999 Fax: (03) 9999-8888 Email: Website: Type Description Template Example Output