Sage Timberline Land Integration - Reference
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Integrated Fields
The integration of Sage Timberline Land to Framework ECM is fully customisable via the integration mapping database.
Sage Timberline Database Field Name | Sage Timberline Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
CADD1 | Yes | Yes | Special #1: client street number & client street name | ||
CBADD1 | Yes | Yes | Special #1: client street number & client street name | ||
CBCIY | Yes | Yes | s_client_suburb | ||
CBEMAIL | Yes | Yes | s_client_email | ||
CBSTATE | Yes | Yes | s_client_state | ||
CBZIP | Yes | Yes | s_client_postcode | ||
CCITY | Yes | Yes | s_client_suburb | ||
CEMAIL | Yes | Yes | s_client_email | ||
CFAX | Yes | Yes | s_client_fax | ||
CNAME | Yes | Yes | Special #7: Client Name (job num). | ||
CPHONE | Yes | Yes | s_client_phone | ||
CSTATE | Yes | Yes | s_client_state | ||
CTRADE | Yes | Fixed Value: None | |||
CTXGR | Yes | Fixed Value: GST | |||
CTYPEA | Yes | Fixed Value: Standard | |||
CUST | Yes | Special #2: Gets the first four or five characters from client ref name (ini file key determines harmony) appends 2 numbers to it, adds leading 0 if needed. | |||
CZIP | Yes | Yes | s_client_postcode |
Sage Timberline Database Field Name | Sage Timberline Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Database Field Label |
JACTCD | Yes | Yes | d_settle_act | ||
JADDR1 | Yes | Yes | s_addr_full | ||
JARCUST | Yes | Special #2: Gets the first four or five characters from client ref name (ini file key determines harmony) appends 2 numbers to it, adds leading 0 if needed. | |||
JBCITY | Yes | Yes | s_name | ||
JBSTATE | Yes | Yes | s_name_state | ||
JBZIP | Yes | Yes | s_name_postcode | ||
JCITY | Yes | Yes | s_name_suburb | ||
JCNAME | Yes | Yes | s_client_name | ||
JDESC | Yes | Yes | s_desc | ||
JOB | Yes | Special #6: Fwork job number formatted to the Timberline format. | |||
JORDER1 | Yes | Yes | s_supervisor_name | ||
JPRJMGR | Yes | Yes | s_administrator_name | ||
JSTATE | Yes | Yes | s_name_state | ||
JTYPE | Yes | Yes | land table | ||
JZIP | Yes | Yes | s_postcode | ||
JACTCD | Yes | Yes | d_settle_act | ||
JBMETH | Yes | Fixed Value: Use Quick Bill. This value applies to using Timberline Quickbill for invoicing when not using Contracts. Fixed Value: Use Contracts. This value applies to using Timberline Contracts |
Database Models
The following database model(s) displays the manner in which data is integrated between the third party application and Framework Integration.
Integration Process
The following information is a low level account of the integration process including criteria, decisions, and outcomes. This information is technical in nature and is provided "as-is" for a detailed analysis of the integration process for system administrators.
Get eligible Framework jobs using v_FWINT_Land where
land.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
and apply Criteria Method criteria where CriteriaMethod is
1 – Single Region Division
land.l_context_id = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
2 – Single Land
land.l_land_id = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
3 – Single Team
land.l_team_id = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
4 – All Land
land.l_land_id <> 0
5 – Accounts Entity
land.l_accounts_e_id = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
For each Framework Job search for the job in Databuild table jobs where
'L' land.l_land_id = Jobs.job_no else
Jobs.job_no = land.s_link_accts
If the land is found in databuild then
The matching land record is retrieved from land
If the records above are retrieved successfully we update the databuild job.
If the job is not found in databuild then
If the land.s_link_accts field is empty we create the job in databuild.
The framework land.l_land_id value is checked. It must be <= 6 characters for us to be able to create the record. This is because we add an L to the front of Land PKID.
We retrieve a link to the jobs table so we can add the new job
If the table is accessed successfully then we create the databuild job.