Creating Work Books

Creating Work Books

Work Books are a way of grouping Work Sheets.

Opening the Work Book Screen

  1. From the Home page, select Administration.

Work Book Design Decisions

When viewing in the Register, drop-down lists are used to select the Work Book and the Work Sheet to be displayed.

  • Work Book groups should be designed to make navigation and use of the Registers as simple and accessible as possible. This means taking the process, or the way the information is being provided, into account.

    For example:
    There are spec homes being constructed across five land estates. Information is being received from a single source for multiple jobs, and the allocation of resources is being decided by estate, rather than individual jobs

  • There are two potential ways of structuring this in ARM;

    -  A Work Book could be created for each of the Estates, so that Work Sheets can be created from Registers specific to Land Development, Permit Progress, Construction, or Maintenance; or

    -  A single activity or supplier, such as Quality Inspections, could be set up as a Work Book group, with separate Work Sheets created from a single Register for each Estate.

Adding a Work Book

  1. Click onto the left hand section of the screen under Work Book and click New

  2. Enter a Name and Reference and click Save.