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Articles in this section may be useful to technical staff maintaining the infrastructure of the DMS.
Articles in this section provide answers to frequently asked questions on the DMS appliance.
Articles in this section give release notes and links to see the product roadmap.
DMS Ideas Portal
Perspective Platform Resource Centre
Document Structures.
Document Types
Objects are those things that have documentation associated/attached to them. To effectively manage the ‘filing’ of those documents, we create a Document Structure.
An Object is associated with an Object Type. Object types are predefined, and you can choose from;
Contacts - Councils.
Contacts - Staff.
Contacts - Suppliers.
Display Centre.
Display Project/Home.
Document Library.
Estate Stage.
House Series.
Document Structures
Document structures are created around a particular type of ‘thing’ (Object). It is similar to a traditional network or disk folder structure where files can be organised. Below is an example of a document structure for a project;
You can define permissions on what roles are required to be able to access the Document Structure. In addition to the standard platform roles, you can create your own roles;
Document Types
Document Types are the definition of specific documents that are to be captured and managed within a document structure.
A Document Type profiles all information about an expected document, from its name, where it will be stored, to the permissions around who can work with the document.