Articles in this section are for general users of the DMS system. DMS Administration DMS FAQ DMS Release Information DMS Resource Centre
Articles in this section may be useful to technical staff maintaining the infrastructure of the DMS.
Articles in this section provide answers to frequently asked questions on the DMS appliance.
Articles in this section give release notes and links to see the product roadmap.
DMS Ideas Portal
Perspective Platform Resource Centre
This article shows you how the customer sees the eSign document. This example shows two people using the same email address
When they click on the link in the mail that they received they must first select who is signing the document.
The customer will then be shown the document and all of the fields they have to supply information on.
Adding Initials
There are 4 different ways that the client can supply their initials;
Draw it in.
Type it in.
Add a photo.
Add a previously saved capture of your initials.
Adding Signatures
Signatures are captured in the same way. Customers can;
Draw it in.
Type it in.
Add a photo.
Use a previously captured signature.
When the customer has completed all required fields they will see the following message.
When they hit continue they have to accept the legal agreement information.
They will then see the following.