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Onsite Safety Usage
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Onsite Safety Administration
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Onsite Safety FAQ
Articles in this section provide answers to frequently asked questions on the Onsite Inspect appliances.

Onsite Safety Release and Roadmap Info
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It is vitally important to be able to ensure everyone who is working on your sites has fulfilled all of their Compliance requirements. Compliance checks are where you enter a user's email address, and you can see;

  1. That they are registered for Safety.

  2. View whether they have outstanding issues with their compliance (Incomplete inductions, missing compliance items, incomplete tasks)

Any user registered for Safety can perform a Compliance Check against another user.

On a mobile device

In a browser, go to the URL you have been given.

Log in with your credentials.


Select Compliance Check


Enter the email address of the person you are checking and press Find.


If they are registered, you will see their profile.


You will then be able to see their compliance information. Note you can only see the total figures for each item.


You can add a comment that will be recorded and visible to anyone else who checks on this person.


When you have finished, click Record Compliance Check.


This will add and automatically complete a task against the user who logged in, showing that a compliance check was done.

In a browser

In a browser, go to the URL you have been given.

Log in with your credentials.


Select Compliance Check.


Enter the email address of the person who you are checking.


You will then be able to see their compliance information. Note you can only see the total figures for each item.

The Communication accordion shows any previous comments.


Procedure for an unregistered contact

If you enter an email address and no contact is shown, this means that the person may not be registered for Safety.


Firstly, confirm that the email address you entered is correct. When satisfied, click the Record Compliance Check button.


When you hit record a task will be raised;


The user should then enter what needs to be done and can assign it to the relevant person (i.e. They would assign it to a Safety Administrator).

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