Onsite Safety Release and Roadmap Info
Onsite Safety Usage
Articles in this section are for the users of the web appliance.
Onsite Safety Administration
Articles in this section are for use by technical staff maintaining the database and integration.
Onsite Safety FAQ
Articles in this section provide answers to frequently asked questions on the Onsite Inspect appliances.
Onsite Safety Release Notes and Roadmap
Details of the features delivered in specific platform releases and details of what is in the Roadmap for the product.
Onsite Safety Resource Centre
Onsite Safety Ideas Portal
Perspective Platform Resource Centre
The process of onboarding new suppliers to Safety has been simplified allowing licensees to automatically assign inductions and compliance requirements to organisations registering on their Onsite Safety Portal.
New Roles
To facilitate this there are two new platform roles which are used to determine the inductions and compliance items that will get automatically added.
Platform - Supply Supplier - A supplier who supplies goods.
Platform - Install Supplier - A supplier who carries out work onsite.
When registering the user can select the option that applies to them.
If the user selects Supply & Install they will get the inductions and compliance requirements associated with both roles. Where there is a duplication in the requirements for compliance or an induction they will only have to do it once.