Improved Supplier/Contact Emailing
Article Index
- 1 Overview
- 2 Functionality Delivered
- 2.1 From Client/Job Details Screen
- 2.2 From the Supplier Details Dialog
- 2.3 (New) From the Call Forward Item dialog
- 2.4 Email Dialog
- 2.4.1 Email Dialog Options
- 2.4.2 Recipients:
- 2.4.3 Subject Options:
- 2.4.4 Message Options
- 2.4.5 Dialog Options:
- 2.4.6 Job File Attachment Options
- 2.4.7 Browse Files Options
- 2.5 Sending of Emails
A series of changes have been made to improve the emailing available through Logistics Tablet, outside of the call-up process.
This will allow emails to be sent to suppliers, clients and internal staff that can reference activity dates, attach job files and more.
Functionality Delivered
Where the email button existed in previous version of Framework that would raise an email in Outlook, the same button will now raise the new Email dialog.
These emails will be sent via the Framework Cloud Gateway, so a connection to Outlook is no longer required for emailing purposes.
From Client/Job Details Screen
Tap the Email icon against a staff member or client contact to raise the email dialog.
From the Supplier Details Dialog
Tap the email icon to raise a new email to a supplier.
(New) From the Call Forward Item dialog
Tap the Email button under the action section to raise a new email to the activity’s supplier.
Email Dialog
Depending on where the email is raised from, several options may be prefilled for you.
This includes activity detail (if raised from an activity/supplier).
Note that the “Current Activity” will be unavailable to emails sent to staff or client contacts.
Email Dialog Options
To: email address(es) that this email will be sent to, separated by a semi-colon.
CC: email address(es) that this email will be sent to, separated by a semi-colon.
BCC: email address(es) that this email will be sent to, separated by a semi-colon.
CC Me: Toggleable option to automatically CC your own email address.
BCC Me: Toggleable option to automatically BCC your own email address.
Example of semi-colon separated emails:;
Subject Options:
Prefill subject options
Job - Address - Client
Client - Address - Job
Logistics Activity - Job - Address
Custom subject options:
Custom - enter a custom subject line
Message Options
Prefill options that will fill/merge information from the job or activity
Job Details - Job and Address
Client Name
Current Activity - Logistics activity data, only available when sent from a Logistics activity
Activity Name
Called For date (only inserted if non-empty)
Supplier instructions (only inserted if non-empty)
Started date (only inserted if non-empty)
Completed date (only inserted if non-empty)
Dialog Options:
Next - proceed to File attachment dialogs
Send - proceed to send the email with the already attached information
Cancel - cancel the current action
Job File Attachment Options
Attach - attaches the selected file
Attach all - attaches all files within the currently selected folder (i.e., whatever appears in the preview)
Remove - removed the selected file from the “attached files” list
Remove all - removes all files from the “attached files” list
Browse Files Options
Attach - Open the explorer to find/attach a file from anywhere on your computer.
E.g., from OneDrive, Network shares etc.
Remove - removes the selected file
Remove All - removes all files from the current list
Sending of Emails
As the emails are sent from the Framework Cloud Gateway, please note that you will not see these emails in your Sent mailbox. These emails will be sent as you, and if you wish to have a copy of the email for your records, please select the CC or BCC me options.