Review Screen

Review Screen

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When the draft stream run has been completed via the Criteria screen, the Review screen is automatically opened.

The Review screen is used to review the entities before finalising the stream run. Finalising the stream run is the last step where all selected entities will have their marketing processed; either exported to Excel, mail merge letters printed, emails sent and so forth.

 Opening the Review Screen - Click here to expand...
  • From the Campaign menu, select Review.
  • From the sidebar, select Campaign then Review.

The Review screen will show a draft stream run for the currently selected campaign and stream. The stream must have a run status of Draft for it to be accessible.


If the output is Email, clicking the Finalise button on the Review screen will immediately distribute emails to the entities.

It is possible to filter the records displayed in the Review Entities for Marketing list.

  1. Click the Show field drop-down button (). A drop-down list will be displayed.
    • [All]: To view all entities that fit the stream criteria for marketing.
    • Selected: To view all entities that are selected for marketing.
    • Not Selected: To view all entities that are not selected for marketing.

 How to Select/Deselect Entities from Marketing - Click here to expand...

When users first create a stream run, all entities will be selected for marketing by default. This is indicated by a tick ( ) in the Selected column.

 How to Select/Deselect Specific Entities - Click here to expand...
  1. Select the entity to be excluded.
  2. Double-click the Selected column to toggle the selection status for the entity.
    Click the Edit button. The Market Results dialog will be displayed.
    1. Change the Selected?field from Yes to No.
    2. Click the OK button. The Market Results dialog will close.

A TFS preference may be set to ensure that notes are entered for deselected entities. In this case double clicking the Selected column will open the Market Results dialog so notes can be entered. Enter notes into the Selection Notes field to explain why the entity is not being selected for the marketing campaign if required.

 How to Select/Deselect All Entities - Click here to expand...
  • Click the Select All button to select all entities in the list. Every entity will have a tick in the Selected column.
  • Click the Deselect All button to clear all entities in the list. No entity will have a tick in the Selected column.

The Deselect All button is disabled if the preference is set to ensure notes are entered for deselected entities.

 Output Tab - Click here to expand...

The Output tab allows you to view the marketing documents that are going to be used for a stream when an email output is selected. When the output is a mail merge document, the Output tab will display the actual document showing all the mail merge fields.

Microsoft Excel and CSV Files display no information on the Output tab.

 How to Finalise the Campaign - Click here to expand...

After reviewing the marketing selections, the marketing output requires finalising.

Finalising the stream run creates a new folder inside the Stream folder called Stream Run X. The X represents the number of the stream run. All output data is stored in this folder, including the exported Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and copies of any documents used in the output, etc.

  1. From the Review screen, complete the review of the entities.
  2. Click the Finalise button.
  3. The output will be processed and the stream run will be finalised. The Stream Screen will be automatically opened.

If the Campaign or Stream Folders cannot be found, the Stream Run folder cannot be created and finalising the stream run will be cancelled.

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