Step 6 - Contact - Employment
Step 6 - Contact - Employment
The Employment tab allows users to enter a contact's employment history.
Adding an Employment Item
- Enter the employment details.
- Click the right-arrow button () to move the employment into the Employment list on the right-hand side of the dialog.
To remove a redundant or incorrect employment, select the employment from the Employment list and click the left-arrow button ().
- Clear Employment Fields Button (): click to clear the reference information.
- Occupation Field: enter the Occupation field as it is used in both the finance application as well as SmartLodge.
- Income Group: if the income details are entered, an income asset is created on the Assets tab (Step 7 - Assets). If the income details require changing, this will be done through the employment record.
- Employer Group: the employer details can be entered manually or via the popup button () next to the Name field.
- Employment List: displays the employment history list. Users can set the current employment using the Set Primary button ().