Spelling Checker
The Finance Shop includes a spelling checker that is used to check any text entered into notes, descriptions or comments fields. It is important that any text that will be included in client or financier
documents is checked to ensure that all documents are correctly spelt
How to Use the Spelling Checker
- Enter text into a Notes, Description or Comments field.
- Click the Spell Check icon (
If the word is a name and not known to the dictionary, click the Ignore or Ignore All button.
If the word is a term or other word that should be in the dictionary, click the Add button.
If the word has been misspelt, select the correctly spelt word from the list of suggestions then click the Change button.
If the word is not in the list simply edit the word in the top text field and click the Change button.
Continue until all incorrect words have been corrected and/or updated. The Check Spelling dialog will automatically close when the spell check has been completed.