Creating a users email signature

Creating a users email signature


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Setting up your signature

From TFS 13 you can email directly from TFS. You can create your email signature in the User Options option under the File drop-down menu.

You cannot cut and paste your standard email signature as it will not translate properly.

The toolbar for the email signature has the following options;


Perform spellcheck on the signature.

Copy selected text to the clipboard.
Cut selected text to the clipboard.

Paste the contents of the clipboard.

Undo the last change made.

Redo the last undone change made.

Apply Bold formatting.

Apply Italic formatting.
Apply underline formatting.
Apply Strikethrough formatting.
Opens the colour selector.
Apply an indent.

Apply an outdent.

Left justify the text.

Centre the text.

Right justify the text

Insert numbering.
Insert bullets.
Insert a link.
Insert a horizontal line.

Insert a picture.

Insert a hyperlink to an image to include in your signature. This option is useful to keep the size of your email below the maximum 5MB.

You can create different signatures for each Context that you have.  You can click on the Apply All Contexts button to use the same signature across all Contexts.

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