How to Add an Entity
- Matthew Garrett
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From the Entity \ Entity menu select the Entity Role that you are adding to (Example Accountant.) select New. Then select Yes to create a new entity.
If the entity already exists under a different role you can select No and then search for the entity
Insula Software recommends adding Brokers and Staff using the Add a New User Wizard.
The General tab details basic information about an entity.
Details basic personal information about an entity.
The General Tab will change depending on the selected Entity Type field.
- Entity Type: Allows the selection of the entity type (e.g., Corporation, Name, Person, etc.).
- Relationship: Can only be edited if entering a company contact.
- Name: Name of the entity.
- Short Name: Short name of the entity.
- Primary Trading Name: Primary trading name of the entity.
- Established: Year the entity was established.
- Incorporated: Year the entity was incorporated.
- Branches/Employees: The number of branches the entity has.
- Employees: The number of employees the entity has.
The values entered here relate to the mail merge diagnostic document (Mail Merge Diagnostic Document.doc that is located in the \\[tfs folder]\Docs\ folder).
- Name: The value entered into this field will be displayed in the mail merge field <<userMMEName>>.
- Position: The value entered into this field will be displayed in the mail merge field <<userMMEPosition>>.
Contains information related to official Australian Tax Office (ATO) entity details.
- A.B.N.: Australian Business Number.
- A.C.N/A.R.B.N.: Australian Company Number or Australian Registered Body Number.
- Structure: Company structure:
- Individual
- Non Profit Organisation
- Partnership
- Private Company
- Public Company
- Trust
- Trustee
Information about the entity's industry.
- Name: Industry name.
- Primary Activity: The primary activity of the industry.
Allows users to enter any relevant details about the entity.
Information pertaining to the entity's address details.
- Check Required?: Does the address require confirmation.
- Description: Type of address:
- DX Number
- Locked Bag
- P.O. Box
- Property/Farm
- Reply Paid
- Street Address - Home
- Street Address - Office
- Street Address - Previous
- Accommodation: Type of accommodation.
- Postal?: Is the address the postal address for the entity.
- Custom?: Is the address a custom address. An example of a custom address may be an international address.
- Line 1/2: Address details.
- Suburb: Address suburb.
- State: Australian state. This is automatically entered after selecting the suburb.
- Postcode: Australian postcode. This is automatically entered after selecting the suburb.
- Country (default: Australia): Select the country.
- Map Reference: Enter the map reference.
Enter details about the length of time an entity has resided at the address.
- At Address Since: Enter the year the address was first occupied.
- Years at Address: Enter the number of years the entity has been at the address. This field is automatically populated if the From and To fields are completed.
- From: Enter a date the entity first occupied the address.
- To: Enter the date the entity last occupied the address.
Contact details for an entity.
- Business Hours: Enter the entity's phone number, if required.
- Facsimile: Enter the entity's fax number, if required.
- Mobile: Enter the entity's mobile number, if required.
- After Hours: Enter the entity's after hours contact number, if required.
- Email: Enter the entity's email address, if required.
- Website: Enter the entity's website address, if required.
The radio buttons located next to the above fields allow users to select which telephone number is the primary contact number for the entity.
This tab is only shown if the Postal? flag is set to No.
Information pertaining to the entity's address details.
- Check Required?: Does the address require confirmation.
- Description: Type of address:
- DX Number
- Locked Bag
- P.O. Box
- Property/Farm
- Reply Paid
- Street Address - Home
- Street Address - Office
- Street Address - Previous
- Accommodation: Type of accommodation.
- Postal?: Is the address the postal address for the entity.
- Custom?: Is the address a custom address. An example of a custom address may be an international address.
- Line 1/2: Address details.
- Suburb: Address suburb.
- State: Australian state. This is automatically entered after selecting the suburb.
- Postcode: Australian postcode. This is automatically entered after selecting the suburb.
- Country (default: Australia): Select the country.
- Map Reference: Enter the map reference.
The Marketing tab is designed to manage the SmartCampaign marketing settings for an entity, brokers the entity may be assigned to, and any marketing groups an entity belongs to.
Specify the Owner of the Entity.
Contains basic marketing selections.
- Preferred Contact Method: Select the preferred entity marketing contact method:
- Do Not Contact
- Unknown
- Fax
- Telephone
- Rank. Select the Rank that the client belongs to by clicking on the popup button .
Select which groups the entity can be marketed to.
- Client
- Vendor/Supplier
- Referrer/Introducer
- Generic Supplier
- All Entities
Press the Space Bar key to change a field between Yes and No.
Select which marketing format can be used with the entity.
- Fax
- Telephone
- Mail
Press the Space Bar key to change a field between Yes and No.
The notifications group is currently disabled.
Enter notes about marketing to the entity.
Specify the dates the Entity was last marketed to and the date that they should next be marketed to. These dates can be used in the Tools screens, marketing criteria in Smart Campaign and reports.
Entities can be assigned to specific brokers.
- Highlight the Assigned Brokers list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.
- Click the New button. The Entity Broker Assignment dialog will be displayed.
- Select a broker to assign to the entity.
- Click the OK button.
If not broker is assigned, every broker can view an entity. This is only relevant to reporting.
Entities can be assigned to specific SmartCampaign marketing groups.
- Highlight the Marketing Groups list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.
- Click the New button. The Entity Market Group Assignment dialog will be displayed.
- Select a market group to assign to the entity.
- Select a rank to assign to the entity.
- Click the OK button.
Covers the roles an entity fulfils and bank account information that is relevant to the entity.
The Roles list displays the roles that an entity is connected to.
- Highlight the Roles list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.
- Click the New button. The Entity Role dialog will be displayed.
- Select the entity role name.
- Enter the from and to dates.
- Select the Default? status:
- No: The role will not be the default role.
- Yes: The role will be the default role.
- Select the Inactive? status:
- No: The role is active.
- Yes: The role is inactive.
- Click the OK button.
The Accounts list displays a list of bank accounts associated with an entity.
- Highlight the Accounts list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.
- Click the New button. The Account dialog will be displayed.
- Enter the account details.
- Click the OK button.
The History tab displays a history of any SmartCampaign (TFS' marketing module) marketing the entity has been included in. A history of mail merge documents sent to the entity is also included.
The Marketing History and Document Merge/Export History lists can only be viewed. They cannot be edited.
The Comments/Follow Up tab displays a list of comments and follow up items related to the entity.
The Links tab displays connections between the entity and entity roles. For example if this entity is an accountant, when users click on entity role accountant, all clients this entity is an accountant for will be listed.
Select an entity role to view any clients that are linked to the entity. The Clients list is dynamically updated when an entity role is selected.
Displays a list of clients linked to the current entity for the Entity Role selected.
The Logo tab allows users to insert a logo to be used on TFS reports. This is only applicable if the entity is a broker or enterprise.
Users can import a corporation or personal logo to display on TFS reports. Certain properties must be adhered to including:
- BMP file type.
- Dimensions of 400 x 160 or 600 x 240.
Insert Logo: Opens the Select Logo dialog. Select the location of the BMP file then click the Open button.
Clear Logo: Removes the current logo.
From the Entity \ Entity menu select the Entity Role that you are adding to (Example Accountant.) select New. Then select Yes to create a new entity.
If the entity already exists under a different role you can select No and then search for the entity
Insula Software recommends adding Brokers and Staff using the Add a New User Wizard.