Microsoft Dynamics Client and Jobs Integration - Reference
Integrated Fields
The integration of Microsoft Dynamics Client and Jobs to Framework ECM is fully customisable via the integration mapping database.
Microsoft DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
| Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
JobPkid |
| Yes | No | Framework - l_job_id |
contextID |
| Yes | Yes | Special #37: Framework - l_context_id or ini profile Office Context Value. |
ProjID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_job_num |
CustName |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientName |
ProjStatus |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobStatus |
CustStreetNum |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientStreetNum |
CustStreetName |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientStreetName |
CustCity |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientSuburb |
CustPostcode |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientPostcode |
SaleType |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_sType_id |
StageMajorID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_wflStgMajorName |
ProjStreetName |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobStreetName |
ProjCity |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobSuburb |
ProjPostCode |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobPostcode |
ConsRegionID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_teamName |
ConsPromotionTypeID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_prom_id |
ConsLotID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobLotNum |
ConsHouseNumber |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobStreetNum |
ConsStoreyID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_hElev_id |
ConsBuildingTypeID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_hType_id |
ConsSeries |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_hSeries_id |
ConsFacadeID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_hFacade_id |
ConsConstructionManagerID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_csManager |
ConsSupervisorID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_supervisorName |
ConsPreSiteAdminID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_adminName |
ConsConstructionAdminID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_csgAdminName |
ConsSalesPersonID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_salesPersonName |
ConsOrderingEstimatorID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_estimatorName |
ConsContractDraftpersonID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_draftsPersonName |
ConsTenderEstimator |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_tenderEstimatorName |
ConsBaseHousePrice |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - c_retail_internal |
ConsContractValue |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - c_retail_external |
ConsMapRefID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobMapRef |
ResponsibleParty |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_rPartyName |
ActSiteStartDate |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - d_site_start_act |
ActDateCertOccRecv |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - d_cofo_fRec_act |
ActSettlementDate |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - d_settle_act |
CancellationCategory |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_cancelCategoryName |
DateCancelled |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - d_cont_cancelled |
CancellationNotes |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_notes_cancelled |
DateContractDeleted |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - d_cont_deleted |
DateJobCreated |
| Yes | Yes | Special #30: date job create & time date created. |
JobCreatedBy |
| Yes | No | Framework - s_jobUserCreated |
DateJobModified |
| Yes | No | Special #31: date job modified & time job modified. |
JobModifiedBy |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobUserModified |
ConsMunicipalityID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_municipalityName |
contractValueChangedBy |
| Yes | Yes |
CustState |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientState |
Microsoft DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
| Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
entityPkid |
| Yes | No | Framework - l_entity_id |
contextID |
| Yes | Yes | Special #37: Framework - l_context_id or ini profile Office Context Value. |
ProjID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_job_num |
Name |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientContName |
PrimaryContact |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - f_primaryContact |
ContactInactive |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactiveContact |
BHTel |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_bhTel |
AHTel |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_ahTel |
Mobile |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_mobTel |
Fax |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_faxTel |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_emailTel |
| |
DateContactCreated |
| Yes | No | Special #32: date contact created & time contact created. |
ContactCreatedBy |
| Yes | No | Framework - s_contUserCreated |
ContactModifiedBy |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_contUserModified |
DateContactModified |
| Yes | Yes | Special #33: date contact modified & time contact modified. |
Microsoft DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
| Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
DocPkid |
| Yes | No | Framework - l_doc_id |
contextID |
| Yes | Yes | Special #37: Framework - l_context_id or ini profile Office Context Value. |
ProjID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_job_num |
DocNumber |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - i_number |
Amount |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - c_retail_total |
DateSigned |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - d_signed_act |
DocStatus |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_docStatus |
DateVariationCreated |
| Yes | No | Special #34: date variation created & time variation created. |
VariationCreatedBy |
| Yes | No | Framework - s_docUserCreated |
DateVariationModified |
| Yes | Yes | Special #35: date variation modified & time variation modified. |
VariationModifiedBy |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_docUserModified |
Microsoft DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
| Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdHElevPkid |
| Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_hElev_id |
Inactive |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
| Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdHFacadePkid |
| Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_hFacade_id |
Inactive |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
| Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdHSeriesPkid |
| Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_hSeries_id |
Inactive |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
| Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdHTypePkid |
| Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_hType_id |
Inactive |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
| Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdPromPkid |
| Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_prom_id |
ContextID |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - l_context_id |
Inactive |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
| Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdSTypeID |
| Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_sType_id |
Inactive |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
| Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
contextID |
| Yes | No | Framework - l_context_id |
Name |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Inactive |
| Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Database Models
The following database model(s) displays the manner in which data is integrated between the third party application and Framework Integration.
Integration Process
The following information is a low level account of the integration process including criteria, decisions, and outcomes. This information is technical in nature and is provided "as-is" for a detailed analysis of the integration process for system administrators.
- Get Default Framework Database Identifier from Preference #-1024
- Integrate Jobs
- Get all Framework Jobs from v_fwInt_dnmxJobs where
- If IncludeMaintenance is False
- job.l_wfl_stgMajor_id <> -5 (Maintenance)
- job.l_wfl_stgMinor_id <> -18 (Maintenance)
- If OrderCriteria is 1 (all jobs)
- Job.l_job_id <> 0 • Job.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’ Else OrderCriteria is 2 (Single Job)
- Job.s_job_num = ‘OrderCriteriaID’
- Job.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
- We search for a match in Dynamics framProj table where
- framProj.jobPkid = job.l_job_id
- framProj.sourceDatabase = value for Framework Db Identifier
- Known issues that prevent a job from being inserted are
- that the Client name is null
- Jobs that don’t insert into the db could be in maintenance.
- Integrate Contacts
- Get all Framework Contacts from v_fwInt_dnmxContacts where
- Entity.l_entity_id <> 0
- Cont.d_pay_iDeposit_act is not null
- Job.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
- Job.l_wfl_stgMajor_id <> -5 (Maintenance)
- Job.l_wfl_stgMinor_id <> -18 (Maintenance)
- We search for a match in Dynamics FramProjContact table where
- FramProjContact.entityPkid = entity.l_entity_id
- FramProjContact.projID = job.s_job_num
- FramProjContact.sourceDatabase = value for Framework Db Identifier
- Known issues that prevent a contact from being inserted are
- that the contact name is null
- Get all Framework Contacts from v_fwInt_dnmxContacts where
- Integrate Variations
- Get all Framework Variations from v_fwInt_dnmxVarDocs where
- Doc.l_doc_id <> 0
- Cont.d_pay_iDeposit_act is not null
- Job.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
- Job.l_wfl_stgMajor_id <> -5 (Maintenance)
- Job.l_wfl_stgMinor_id <> -18 (Maintenance)
- We search for a match in Dynamics FramProjVariation table where
- FramProjVariation.docPkid = doc.l_doc_id
- FramProjVariation.sourceDatabase = value for Framework Db Identifier
- Known issues that prevent a variation from being inserted are
- The date field must be between 1/1/1753 and 31/12/9999
- Get all Framework Variations from v_fwInt_dnmxVarDocs where
- Integrate other LookUp tables
- Framework Prd_sType updates fwLuPrdSType
- Framework Prd_hElev updates fwLUPrdHElev
- Framework Prd_hFacade updates fwLuPrdHFacade
- Framework Prd_hSeries updates fwLuPrdHSeries
- Framework Prd_hType updates fwLuPrdHType
- Framework prd_prom updates fwLuPrdProm
- Framework rDiv updates fwLuRDiv
- Where each table pkid matches and the sourceDatabase matches the Framework Db Identifier
When doing the integration, the program looks at job.l_rpt_index2 it gets the number entered in that field and it checks the ini profile for the key OfficeContext(x)=y where x is equal to the value in job.l_rpt_index2. If it finds this key then it puts the value of y into the contextID. If it does not find an officeContext setting for that value then it uses job.l_context_id and copies this value into the contextID fields. So if you change a jobs context identification, it will only change the contextID field if the ini profile has a key for that OfficeContext.
Here's an example Job #1 has a job.l_context_id of 1, but a job.l_rpt_index2 of 270 () If the ini profile has the key OfficeContext(270)=4 then when integration runs, it will set the FramProj.contextID for Job #1 to be 4. If it does not have the OfficeContext key then the FramProj.contextID will be set to the job.l_context_id value of 1. If you then change the context identifier for Job #1 to be (269) then rerun integration, if there is a key called OfficeContext(269)=2 then the FramProj.contextID will change to 2. If the OfficeContext key does not exist then the FramProj.contextId will change to 1. This is because the key couldn't be found so it uses the value in the job.l_context_id field instead.