Managing Enterprise Land

Managing Enterprise Land

New enterprise land is entered into Framework ECM through the Land Management module.


Adding New Enterprise Land

  1. From the File menu, select New. The New Land dialog will be displayed.
  2. Enter the details.
  3. Click OK. The New Land confirmation prompt will appear.
  4. Click Yes to enter more enterprise land. The New Land dialog will be displayed.
    Click No when all land has been entered.

Searching For Enterprise Land

  1. From the File menu, select Search. The Land tab of the Search dialog will be displayed.
  2. Enter the search criteria.
  3. Click Search. The Search Results list will update.
  4. From the Search Results list, select the required land.
  5. Click OK. The dialog will close and the selected land will be available in the context bar.

Modifying Land Details

Details for existing enterprise land can be modified through the Land Overview screen.

New Jobs Using Enterprise Land

Enterprise land is allocated to a new job when the selected file sale type (e.g.: House and Land) requires enterprise land.

When land is allocated to a file, it is no longer available and cannot be used for any other job.

Land may become available again later due to job cancellation, or changes to a client's file.

For more information on entering enterprise land when adding a new client, see the adding a new client wizard.

Cancelling Jobs That Have Allocated Enterprise Land

When a job with allocated enterprise land is cancelled, the land is automatically made available to be used for other new or existing job files.

A cancelled job that has been reversed (no longer cancelled) can only have the originally allocated land re-instated when that enterprise land is still available (not allocated to another job file).

If the land has been re-allocated to another job, then the cancelled status of the job cannot be changed until another available land item has been allocated to the file.

Changing The Status Of A Job From Active To Cancelled

In the Production Management module of Framework ECM:

  1. Select or search for the job to be cancelled.
  1. Open the Job Overview screen (Client > Job Overview).
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Under the Cancellation group, enter a Cancelled date.

    Selecting a cancellation Category without entering a Cancelled date changes the status of the job to Pending Cancellation. When changing the status of a job to Cancelled, a Cancelled date must be selected. Though it is not necessary to select a cancellation category for a cancellation, it does assist in classifying the cancellation for more specific and useful reporting.
  4. From the Category drop-down list, select a cancellation category.
  5. Click OK.
The status bar indicates that the job has been cancelled. The enterprise land is now available for allocation to another job, however the address shown in the status bar will remain the same as it was prior to cancellation, regardless of whether the land has been reallocated.

Changing The Status Of A Job From Cancelled To Active

In the Production Management module of Framework ECM:

  1. Select or search for the cancelled job.
  2. Open the Job Overview screen (Client > Job Overview).
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Under the Cancellation group, remove the Cancelled date.
  5. From the Category drop-down list select [Unknown].
  6. Click OK.

If the land has been re-allocated:

  1. Click OK on the confirmation message prompt.
  2. Click Cancel to restore the Cancelled date.
  3. From the Client menu, select Files.
  4. From the Files list, select the required file.
  5. Click Edit. The File dialog will be displayed.
  6. Under the Land group, click the Full Address popup button.
  7. Click Yes to select a new item of land for the file.
  8. Enter the required street name.
  9. Select the required search criteria.
  10. Click Search.
  11. The Land Search dialog will be displayed.
  12. Select the required enterprise land from the list.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Open the Job Overview screen.
  16. Remove the Cancelled date.
  17. Click OK.

Changing A Job's Enterprise Land

A job's enterprise land can be changed on the Client Files and Jobs screen in the Production Management module. A search will display a list of available enterprise land.

When a new item of land is selected for a job, the old enterprise land immediately becomes available for selection.

Changing Land

On the Client Files & Jobs screen in the Production Management module:

  1. From the Files list, select the required file.
  2. Click Edit. The File dialog will be displayed.
  3. Under the Land group, click the Full Address popup button. The Select Enterprise Land confirmation prompt will appear.
  4. Click Yes to confirm that a new land item is to be selected. The Land tab of the Search dialog will be displayed.
  5. Enter the search criteria.
  6. Click Search.
  7. From the Search Results list, select the required search criteria.
  8. Click OK. The dialog will close and the enterprise land address will be listed in the Full Address field.
  9. Click OK. The dialog will close and the Files list will be updated.

Changing From Enterprise To Client Land

A client may wish to use their own land after enterprise land has been allocated to the job file. Changes of this nature can be performed via the Client Files & Jobs screen in the Production Management module. When the sale type has been changed to client land, the enterprise land becomes immediately available for selection for another job.

Soil and survey information will also be removed from the job’s file when enterprise land has been removed. This information for the client’s land must be entered through the Soil Report and Contour Survey screens.

Changing From Enterprise To Client Land

On the Client Files & Jobs screen in the Production Management module:

  1. From the Client menu, select Files.
  2. From the Files list, select the required file.
  3. Click Edit. The File dialog will be displayed.
  4. Under the Land group, click the Sale Type popup button. The Change Sale Type confirmation prompt will appear.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the sale type change. The Select Sale Type dialog will be displayed.
  6. Select the required sale type.
  7. Click OK to confirm the change.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click OK.
  10. From the Land menu, select Overview.
  11. Change the screen to Edit mode.
  12. Enter the new address details.
  13. Make changes to fields as required.
  14. Click OK.

Changing From Client To Enterprise Land

A client may wish to use enterprise land after client land has been allocated to the job file. Changes of this nature can be done through the Client Files & Jobs screen in the Production Management module. When the sale type has been changed, enterprise land must be selected for the job.

Client land information will be removed permanently from Framework ECM when changing from client to enterprise land. Soil report and contour survey information will also be removed.

On the Client Files & Jobs screen in the Production Management module:

  1. From the Client menu, select Files.
  2. From the Files list, select the required file.
  3. Click Edit. The File dialog will be displayed.
  4. Under the Land group, click the Sale Type popup button. The Change Sale Type confirmation prompt will appear.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the sale type change. The Select Sale Type dialog will be displayed.
  6. Select the required sale type.
  7. Click OK to confirm that new enterprise land is to be selected.
  8. Click the Full Address popup button.
  9. Click Yes to confirm that new enterprise land is to be selected.
  10. Enter the name of the required street.
  11. Click Search.
  12. Select the required land from the search results
  13. Click OK.
  14. Click OK.

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