RMS Field Context
Changes made to the RMS can significantly alter the underlying Framework ECM database. Please consult with Insula Software before making changes.
The RMS Field Context screen displays the available fields and allows for options to be set for default values, customisation, and the behaviour of the field in reporting.
RMS Field Context Dialog
This dialog is used to update the RMS field context. Changes made to this area of the system will be overwritten when an upgrade is performed except for custom default values and customised label modifications.
The primary reason an RMS field context is updated is to set new default values when creating a new job and to be provide a customised field name in reporting. These fields are updated as a part of the Framework upgrade. Four tabs are available:
- General Tab
- Default Values Tab
- Customisation Tab
- Notes Tab
RMS Field Context Dialog - General Tab
The General tab is used to update the basic options of an RMS field context, such as security permissions and reporting options.
General Group
Field | Description |
Table Context | Logical, user friendly, RMS table context name to which the RMS field context belongs. Click theTable Context popup button to select. |
Field | Physical name of the RMS field in the Framework ECM database. Click the Field popup button to select. |
Field Group | RMS field group to which the RMS field context belongs. Click the Field Group popup button to select. This selection determines the location of the RMS field context on the Groups list of the Field Criteria tab on the Standard Criteria dialog. |
Field Group Order | Order number of the RMS field context.This number determines the order of the fields in the Fields list of the Field Criteria tab on the Standard Criteria dialog. |
Name | Logical, user friendly, name given to the RMS field context. This is the name displayed on the Fields list of the Field Criteria tab on the Standard Criteria dialog. |
Reference | Reference name given to the RMS field context. Click the Reference copy button to copy the RMS field context name or manually enter a reference name. |
Default Value | Framework ECM SQL database default value when a new client, land, or job is created. This field is locked and cannot be edited. |
Order | This field/function is currently disabled. |
Has Custom Properties? | This field/function is currently disabled. |
Has Permission? | Does the RMS field context have any associated security permissions?
In Reporting? | Can the RMS field context be used in reporting?
List Popup Group
Field | Description |
Type | For developer use only. Identifies the list popup type. |
Context | For developer use only. Identifies the list popup context. |
Report Group
Field | Description |
Field Criteria? | Is the RMS field context available on the Field Criteria tab of the Standard Criteria dialog?
Group? | Is the RMS field context available on the Groups tab of the Standard Criteria dialog?
Formula? | Is the RMS field context available on the Formula tab of the Standard Criteria dialog?
Sort? | Is the RMS field context available on the Sort tab of the Standard Criteria dialog?
Multi Print? | Is the RMS field context available on the Multi Print tab of the Standard Criteria dialog?
Note: This is only applicable for selecting fields, e.g., fields with popup dialog buttons. |
RMS Field Context Dialog - Default Values Tab
The Default Values tab is used to set a default value for an RMS field context. Changing the default value of a RMS field context will only apply that value to new jobs in the system.
Default Values List
Column | Description |
# | Default value number. |
Context | Region/division to which the default value is applied. |
Value | Value of the default value. |
RMS Field Context Dialog - Customisation Tab
The Customisation tab is used to create a custom field name that can be viewed on the Fields list on the Field Criteria tab of the Standard Criteria dialog.
Custom Field List
Column | Description |
Field Name | Logical, user friendly, name of the RMS field context. |
Custom Name | Custom name of the RMS field context. |
Creating A Custom Field Name
Only one custom field name can be created.
- Click . The RMS Field Context Custom dialog will be displayed.
- Enter the details.
- Click OK. The dialog will close and the RMS field context name will be modified.
RMS Field Context Dialog - Notes Tab
The Notes tab is used to enter any notes about the RMS field context.