Framework Integration Special Integrated Fields
The following table outlines additional 'special' fields that are available in Accounts integration.
Theses values and the configuration of special integrated fields is done through the Integration Mapping database.
# | Database | Population |
1 | All | Client street number + “ “ + Client street name. |
2 | Timberline | Uses the Client Reference Name and the value from the TLARCustomerFormat key in the integration profile to determine a formatted name. The formats are:
2 | Databuild | First 4 characters of the Client Reference Name. |
3 | Timberline | Uses the Integration Profile values for CriteriaMethod to determine the integration profile key to read. Reads the Key TLJobPrefix([value for criteria method]) and puts into the field the value for this key. |
4 | Timberline | If the Jstatus value is not = “Closed” then , if the job status is active or on hold and the workflow major stage is construction or maintenance then Jstatus = “In Progress” Else Jstatus = “Unstarted”. |
5 | All | If the job lot number is not empty then the value will be “Lot “ + lot number + “, “ + street number + “ “ + street name Else it will be street number + “ “ + street name. |
6 | Timberline | Job number formatted based on the Integration profile value for TLJobNumberFormat. |
6 | Databuild | Job Number shortened to 8 characters. |
6 | Bizprac | Number retrieved from File 903 and 1 is added. File 903 is updated to the new number. |
7 | All | Client Name + “ (“ + job number + “)”. |
8 | All | If the job lot number is not empty then the value will be “Lot “ + lot number + “, “ + street number + “ “ + street name + “ (“ + client reference name + “)” Else it will be street number + “ “ + street name + “ (“ + client reference name + “)”. |
9 | Timberline | If Job Site Start Actual date is not empty and JOESTFN field in timberline is false then this field is set to true. |
10 | Databuild | Uses the Integration Profile Value for the key dbuild_ContactGroupCode. |
11 | Databuild | Uses the Integration Profile Value for the key dbuild_CostCentreGroupCode. |
12 | All | Contract ex-GST value. |
13 | All | Contract GST value. |
14 | Databuild | This will be the client Link Accts value if it is not empty. If it is empty then the value will be determined by striping all non alpha numeric characters from the client reference name, and then taking only the first 4 characters of what is left. Then a search is done in databuild to find all clients with similar beginning codes and it determines a 2 digit number to append to the end to make it unique. |
14 | Bizprac | Number retrieved from File 903 and 1 is added. File 903 is updated to the new number. |
15 | All | Client Postcode if it’s numeric. |
16 | All | Sum of all documents retail total value where the subtype is PCV or BV and the status is final or draft and the date signed actual is empty. |
17 | All | Sum of all documents retail total value where the subtype is PCV or BV and the status is final and the date signed actual has been entered. |
18 | All | Sum of all documents retail total value + the retail external amount where the subtype is pcv and the status is final and the date signed actual has been entered. |
19 | All | Sum of all documents retail total value where the subtype is PCV and the status is final and the date signed actual has been entered. |
20 | All | Sum of all documents retail total value where the subtype is BV and the status is final and the date signed actual has been entered. |
21 | All | Sum of all documents retail total value + the retail external amount where the subtype is PCV or BV and the status is final and the date signed actual has been entered. |
22 | Timberline | Uses the Integration Profile values for CriteriaMethod to determine the integration profile key to read. Reads the Key CGLPrefix and puts into the field the value for this key. |
23 | Timberline | Uses the Integration Profile values for CriteriaMethod to determine the integration profile key to read. Reads the Key JCSTAccount and puts into the field the value for this key. |
30 | All | Date field created by combining the date job created and time job created together. |
30 | Bizprac | Converts the date to a number as that is how Bizprac records dates. |
31 | All | Date field modified by combining the date job modified and time job modified together. |
31 | Bizprac | Converts the date to a number as that is how Bizprac records dates. |
32 | All | Date field created by combining the date contact created and time contact created together. |
32 | Bizprac | Converts the date to a number as that is how Bizprac records dates. |
33 | All | Date field modified by combining the date contact created and time contact modified together. |
33 | Bizprac | Converts the date to a number as that is how Bizprac records dates. |
34 | All | Date field created by combining the date document created and time document created together. |
34 | Bizprac | Converts the date to a number as that is how Bizprac records dates. |
35 | All | Date field modified by combining the date document modified and time document created together. |
35 | Bizprac | Converts the date to a number as that is how Bizprac records dates. |
36 | Dynamics | Gets the default preference value for the Framework Database Identifier. |
37 | Dynamics | Gets the l_rpt_index2 value for then uses it in combination with the Integration Profile Key OfficeContext to build a key to get a value. So OfficeContext([l_rpt_index2]) if it exists will have the value for this key uses, otherwise the regular context value will be passed across. |
38 | All | Primary and Secondary Contact details are combined with an ampersand symbol (&) using the first initial of the salutation fields and the surname. If no salutation entry then the given name is used (e.g., K Smythe & G Larsen). |
39 | BizPrac | Gets a value for the BookSet field in Bizprac by opening the Bizprac toolProg.ini file and reading the value from the section [BookSet] and the key [Selected]. |
40 | Timberline | If the date dOmrAppd (Date Order Margin Report Approved) is empty then false will be passed to the Timberline field cdbcdec. If it is not empty then true will be passed. |
41 | BizPrac | As BizPrac uses a code to represent the suburb, this function takes the suburb name and searches BizPrac for the matching code to use. |
42 | All | This field gives the Job Address and a Map Reference on the end if the Map Reference exists. |
43 | Databuild | This code looks in the integration profile for a key specified as DBccBanks(x)=y Where X is a value for the job.l_team_id. The value at y is returned and used in integration. |
44 | Databuild | This code looks in the integration profile for a key specified as DBstatus(x)=y Where x is the value for job.l_team_id. The value at y is returned and used in integration. |
45 | All (Framework 2010) Timberline (Framework 4.7) | This code populates the field by performing the following:
47 | All (Framework 2010) | ToSiteExGST The Contract ex GST amount plus the ex GST amount for all PCVs with a status of Draft or Final. |
48 | All (Framework 2010) | BVOsFinalUnsignedExGST The ex GST amount for all BVOs with a status of final where there is no signed date on the document. |
49 | All (Framework 2010) | BVOsFinalSignedExGST The ex GST amount for all BVOs with a status of Final where there is a signed date on the document. |