Bulk Job Import

Bulk Job Import

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Bulk job import is used to import jobs from custom Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into the Framework ECM database.

Step 1 - Configure the field mapping

Configure the field mapping from the source data spreadsheet to the Framework ECM database fields.
(Proceed to Step 2 if the field mapping is already configured).

In Framework ECM

  1. Click File and select Bulk Job Import


  1. Follow the Bulk Job Import Wizard instructions:

  1. Select the Mapping Set and click on New Item

  2. Add the Name

  3. Add the Column Letter (from the spreadsheet)

  4. Select the Destination Field and choose the correct database field

  5. Update Mandatory? as required

  6. Click OK


Step 2 - Updating the Bulk Job Import Spreadsheet


  1. Using the Insula provided Bulk Job Import Spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, add new Jobs (rows) and update all relevant columns that need to be imported into Framework ECM.
    Note: Ensure all mandatory fields are correct.

  2. Save file as xls and close.


Adding additional field columns allows for greater data import, refer to the Framework Job Import Wizard to review the additional importable field options available. Refer to Step 1 for instructions on how to add new items.


Step 3 - How to perform a Bulk Job Import

In Framework ECM

  1. Click File and select Bulk Job Import

      2. Follow the Bulk Job Import Wizard instructions:


  1. Validate the data in order to commence the import

    1. Select the Bulk Job Import Excel spreadsheet (File)

    2. Select the worksheet name from the drop down

    3. Update the Start Row (with the number of the first row to be imported)

    4. Update the End Row (with the number of the last row to be imported)

    5. Click Validate

    6. Click Next

      The results must display Passed in order to click Next.

  2. Start the import


  3. Review the results of the import to ensure all rows were successfully created as a Job. Click Finish.