Sage Timberline AR Method 1 Integration - Preparation
Return to Sage Timberline Accounts Receivable Method 1 Integration
Article Index
- 1 Framework Preparation
- 2 Reconciliation
- 2.1 Claims Integration Pre-Requisites
- 2.2 Processes For Rolling Out Claims Integration
- 2.2.1 Client Focussed Reporting
- 2.2.2 Claims Rounding Method
- 2.2.3 Method For Raising Claims
- 2.2.4 Implementing The Claims Template
- 2.2.5 Building Contract Amount
- 2.2.6 Existing Variations (Post Contract Variation (PCV)/ Building Variation (BV))
- 2.2.7 Applying The Claims Template
- 2.2.8 Checking The Claims Breakdown
- 2.2.9 Creating Historical Variations (PCV/BV)
- 2.2.10 Raising Invoiced Claims
- 2.2.11 Creating Payments In Framework
- 2.2.12 Resetting The Claim Rounding Method (Recommended)
- 2.2.13 Testing
- 2.2.14 System Backup
- 2.2.15 Go Live
- 3 Claims Preparation
- 4 Procedural Requirements
Framework Preparation
ForSage Timberline Accounts Receivable Method 1Integration to be successful there are several requirements to be aware of:
External System Link (Accounts Reference)
To successfully useSage Timberline Accounts Receivable Method 1Integration the job must already exist in Sage Timberline, and it must be known to Framework.
The job will be known to Framework if the job numbers are the same in each system or if the job number as it appears in Sage Timberline is entered into the Accounts Reference field on Framework's Job Overview screen.
AR Customer Link
Within Sage Timberline, the job must be correctly linked to the Accounts Receivable Customer from within the Job Cost module. Sage Timberline refers to this as the AR Customer.
Invoice Contract Stages (Billing Method Codes Or Cost Codes)
When an invoice is created in Sage Timberline it is allocated to a Cost Codes. These Cost Codes must be created for a job before the first invoice is exported in integration.
There is no automated way for integration to create these Cost Codes. It is recommended that Cost Codes be created for all jobs as soon as the job is created by Accounts Integration. Use the integration log to know which new jobs have been created.Sage Timberline Accounts Receivable Method 1Integration will fail if Cost Codes have not been created for a job.
Invoice Numbers
Invoice numbers used when invoicing in Framework must be unique and must not have been previously used in Sage Timberline.
Not Applicable Functionality
To exclude a claim from integration, simply enter N/A in the Accounts Reference field of the Claim dialog.
A full reconciliation between Framework and Sage Timberline must be completed before performing Timberline Claims integration.
For all of the jobs that are to be integrated, both Framework and the accounting system must contain the same invoices and receipts as each other, establishing a clear starting point for automated integration. For assistance with this reconciliation and for any mass data updates, contact Insula Software.
Claims Integration Pre-Requisites
All Jobs Must Be In The Correct Work Flow Stage
Reports should be run to ensure that all of the jobs are up to date in the system. They should be in the correct major stage (Pre-Administration, Administration, Construction or Maintenance).
Work Flow Reporting Must Be Working Correctly
Common reports must be correctly set up and returning correct data.
Accounts Integration Must Be Running Correctly
Accounts integration must be running daily. All jobs must be being created and updated in the accounting system.
Processes For Rolling Out Claims Integration
Client Focussed Reporting
Obtain the current letters/reports that are currently being used by the client and customise the common reports to accommodate their needs.
Ensure that you include the unallocated payments formula is applicable.
Claims Rounding Method
Confirm the current claim rounding method used in the client's contracts and set the claims rounding method preference to reflect this.
Method For Raising Claims
Identify whether claims are raised on Forecast or Actual Completion dates.
If claims are raised on forecasts, remove any manual forecast dates that are forecasted further out than the next construction day meeting.
Implementing The Claims Template
Confirm that the claims template(s) have been created in the Administration Module. If they haven't, assist the client in implementing them.
Building Contract Amount
Ensure that the building contract amount exists and is correct on the Building Contract screen.
Existing Variations (Post Contract Variation (PCV)/ Building Variation (BV))
Set the status of any existing Post Contract and Building Variations to Draft.
Applying The Claims Template
Apply the claims template to all existing jobs with a contract signed date to PCI Complete.
Checking The Claims Breakdown
Check the claims breakdown against the signed building contract to ensure that they are exactly the same. If they are not, modify the claims manually to match the signed building contract.
Creating Historical Variations (PCV/BV)
Create any historical variations (PCVs/BVs) as one line variation item including total value.
Raising Invoiced Claims
Raise all claims that have been invoiced in the accounting system.
Enter the claim invoice date.
Enter the invoice number into the accounting system.
Set the exported flag to Yes.
Creating Payments In Framework
Create the payments in Framework that have already been received in the accounting system (linking them to the claim stage).
Resetting The Claim Rounding Method (Recommended)
Discuss with the client the different rounding methods available in Framework and set the claim rounding method (preference) for yet to be prepared contracts/new jobs.
Set up both the Framework and accounting system databases in a test environment for extensive testing.
System Backup
Backup both the Framework and the accounting system's database.
Go Live
Turn on Claims Integration.
Claims Preparation
The following work flow model displays the process by which claims are prepared before implementing Framework Integration with the third party application.
Procedural Requirements
With the implementation of claims integration, several procedural requirements should be observed when working with Framework and Timberline.
Processing Initial Deposits
When commencing claims integration, the receipting of all money through Timberline means that no deposits/payments should be recorded directly into Framework.
A procedural change is required that when a new job is created, the initial deposit date should be recorded but the initial deposit amount should be left as zero (0).
The receipting of the deposit into Timberline will create the deposit in Framework, ensuring the jobs are reconciled between the two systems.
Not following this procedure and recording the deposit amount in Framework will result in the deposit being doubled when integration is performed.
With this procedural change, Framework will show an 'initial deposit' of zero (0) and separately the integrated deposit from Timberline. This is normal and the Framework initial deposit entry should be ignored.