Framework Integration Server Installation

Framework Integration Server Installation

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The following guide is designed to install the Framework Integration database and the Framework Integration software on the server.

Framework Integration should be installed on the same server as the third party system.

Pre-Requisite Checklist

  • Check the Server System Requirements

  • Complete the Framework ECM Installation

  • Complete the Pre-Requisite Checklist

  • Complete the Environment Setup Checklist

Installation Checklist

The following steps are required to install Framework Integration on the server.

Insula Software recommends installing Framework Integration on the server as it allows:

  1. Remote access for Framework users.

  2. Allows Insula Software the ability to run as a remote user to better support your Framework installation.

Step 1 - Restore Database

Restores the Framework Integration Microsoft SQL Server database.

The following database restorations are based on Insula Software's recommended settings.

Restore Database - Framework Integration

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > SQL Server Management Studio).

  2. Connect to the required server.

  3. Right-click on Databases and click Restore Database.... The Restore Database dialog will be displayed.

  4. In the To Database field, enter the Framework Database Name. FworkSQLIntMap.

  5. In the From Device field, click the Browse The Specify Backup dialog will be displayed.

  6. Click the Add The Locate Backup File dialog will be displayed.

  7. Select the folder and file location of the Microsoft SQL Server backup file.

    • Typical Folder: \[fw folder]\Service\01 - Default Data\

    • Typical File: bak

  8. Click the OK The Locate Backup File dialog will close.

  9. Click the OK The Specify Backup dialog will close.

  10. In the Restore column, tick the backup to be restored.

  11. Select the Options

  12. In the Restore the database file as list, click the Browse button for the Framework Integration database (i.e.,FworkSQLIntMap). The Locate Database Files dialog will be displayed.
    Use the default file location.

  13. Select the folder location where the database will be restored to. [fw folder]\Data\DataMSSQL\

  14. In the File Name field, enter the file name: FworkSQLIntMap.mdf

  15. Click the OK

  16. In the Restore the database file as list, click the Browse button for the Framework Integration database log (i.e., FworkSQLIntMap_log). The Locate Database Files dialog will be displayed.
    Use the default file location.

  17. Select the folder location where the database will be restored to. \[fw folder]\Data\DataMSSQL\

  18. In the File Name field, enter the file name: FworkSQLIntMap_log.ldf

  19. Click the OK

  20. Click the OK The database restoration will be performed.

  21. Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Step 2 - ODBC DSN Configuration

Provide Framework Integration with the connection to read and write from the database.

ODBC DSN Configuration - Framework Integration

  1. Open Data Sources (ODBC).

  2. Select the System DSN

  3. Click the Add The Create New Data Source dialog will be displayed.

  4. Select SQL Native Client 10.0.

  5. Click the Finish The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog will be displayed.

  6. Enter the following details:

    • Name: FworkSQLIntMap

    • Description (optional): Enter a description for the database connection. For example, Framework Integration Mapping.Server: Select the SQL Server from the Server drop-down list.
      Enter the SQL Server name.

      If there is an error following Step 8, change the server name above to: \[server name]\SQLEXPRESS

  7. Click the Next

  8. Click the Next

  9. Tick Change the default database to.

  10. From the drop-down list select: FworkSQLIntMap

  11. Click the Next

  12. Click the Finish The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will be displayed.

  13. Click the Test Data Source...

  14. If successful, click the OK

  15. Click the OK The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will close.

  16. Click the OK The Data Sources (ODBC) dialog will close.

Step 3 - Install Framework Integration

Installs Framework Integration.

If installing on Microsoft Windows Vista or above, the User Account Control (UAC) Consent prompt may be displayed during the installation.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Framework Integration\vx.x.x\Setup\ (where x.x.x refers to the latest version of Framework Integration).

  3. Double-click Framework Integration.msi. The Welcome step will be displayed.

  4. Click Next . The Licence Agreement step will be displayed.

  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.

  6. Click Next. The Customer Information step will be displayed.

  7. Enter User Name and Organisation

  8. Select Anyone who uses this computer (all users).

  9. Click Next. The Setup Type step will be displayed.

  10. Select Complete.

  11. Click Next. The Ready To Install the Program step will be displayed.

  12. Click Install to begin the installation.

  13. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Step 4 - Test Framework Integration

Tests the installation of Framework Integration.

Start Framework Integration

  1. Start Framework Integration (Start > All Programs > Insula Software > Framework Integration).

  2. Log on to the system.

Step 5 - User Acceptance Tests

The following is a list of view only tests that should be performed after installing the application.


Menu Path



Menu Path


Start Framework Integration

Log in as a user other than a super-user

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