Framework Logistics Tablet PC Installation

Framework Logistics Tablet PC Installation

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  1. The Tablet PC must be connected to the local office network for configuration.

  2. The user account used to install the software must be an administrator of the machine.

Pre-Requisite Checklist

The following pre-requisite items are required on an office workstation, not on the Tablet PC.

  1. A workstation with Framework ECM installed and working correctly.

  2. A workstation with Framework Logistics Desktop installed and working correctly.

Step 1 - Framework User Configuration

This step is performed Framework ECM's Administration and Security modules.

Tablet PC users (such as Construction Supervisors or Construction Managers) are typically included in Framework as an entity but not as a user. To use Framework Logistics Tablet, Construction Supervisors and Construction Managers must also be Framework ECM users.

This step details the process to check for a Tablet PC user's entity settings and the creation of the Tablet PC user as a Framework ECM user.

Creation of a user is only required if the supervisor/manager in question does NOT currently exist in Framework.

If the user exists, and they have a construction supervisor/manager role, you may proceed to step 2.

Check Entity Status

Check the entity status of the proposed Framework Logistics Tablet user.

  1. Open Framework ECM.

  2. Open the Administration module.

  3. Open the Entity screen (Administration > Entity > Entity).

  4. From the Entity Roles list, select Construction Supervisor.

  5. Check if the Tablet PC User is in the list. If the user is on the list, continue with creating a new Framework user (see below).

Create New Framework User

To create a new Framework ECM user:

  1. Open Framework ECM.

  2. Open the Security module.

  3. Open the User screen (Security > User).

  4. Click New. The User (General tab) dialog will be displayed.

  5. Enter the required information.

  6. Select the Region/Division tab.

  7. Click the New toolbar icon. The User Region/Division dialog will be displayed.

  8. Enter the required information.

  9. Click OK. The User Region/Division dialog will close.

  10. Click OK. The User dialog will close.

Allocate Construction Logistics Security Permissions

If any security permissions are allocated to Framework Logistics Tablet users:

  1. Open Framework ECM.

  2. Open the Security module.

  3. Open the Security Permission screen (Security > Permission).

  4. From the Permission Level list, select Permission Defaults, Groups, or Users. This will populate the Permission Groups list. Typically permissions would be granted at the Permission Default level.

  5. Expand Framework Applications > Construction Logistics.

  6. Click Edit. The screen changes to Edit Mode.

  7. Allocate any construction logistics permissions for the user.

  8. Click OK.

Check Supervisor Manager Status

Allocate the supervisor to their Construction Manager.

  1. Open Framework ECM.

  2. Open the Administration module.

  3. Open the Supervisor Manager screen (Administration > Entity > Supervisor Manager).

  4. Click New. The Supervisor Manager dialog will be displayed.

  5. Select and enter the required details.

  6. Click OK. The Supervisor Manager dialog will close.

Step 2 - Framework Logistics Desktop Configuration

The Logistics Site screen displays the number of sites (or logistics licences) that are available to an organisation. New sites only become available if the number of licences are increased.

To Edit A Logistics Site

  1. Open Framework Logistics Desktop.

  2. Open the Logistics Site screen (Site > Logistics Site)


  3. Select a logistics site.

  4. Click the (Right) Edit button. The Logistics Site (General tab) dialog will be displayed.

  5. Enter the required Framework Site information.

    • Name: The descriptive name of the Tablet PC.

    • Reference: Enter a reference name or click the Copy button to copy the Name field.

  6. Enter the required Configuration information.

    • Staff Member: Click the Staff Member popup button to select the staff member who will use the Tablet PC.

    • Role: Click the Role popup button to select the role of the staff member. This is typically a Construction Manager or Construction Supervisor.

  7. Enter the required Host Computer information.

    • Name/IP Address: The Tablet PC computer name.

  8. Enter the required Client Allocation information.

    • Criteria Method: Click the drop-down button to select the criteria that the tablet will receive. Typically thiswill match the staff role selected above.

    • Criteria Value: Based on the selected Criteria Method, select the criteria value. For example, if the Criteria Method is Construction Supervisor, the Criteria Value will display a list of Construction Supervisors.

  9. Select the Connection tab.

  10. Enter the required Internet Connection information.

    • Required?: Do you wish Framework to launch the Internet connection.

    • Confirmation Host: Server IP Address.

    • DUN Connection: Dial Up Networking Connection for Internet access.

    • Timeout (seconds): Length of time before the software registers a failure for Internet timeout. Typically 10 seconds.

  11. Enter the VPN Connection information, if required.

    • Required?: Do you wish Framework to launch the VPN connection.

    • Confirmation Host: Server IP Address.

    • DUN Connection: Dial Up Networking Connection for VPN access.

    • Timeout (seconds): Length of time before the software registers a failure for Internet timeout. Typically 10 seconds.

  12. Enter the required Server Connection information.

    • Host Server: IP Address of the Framework server.

  13. Select the Synchronise tab.

  14. Click the OK button. The Logistics Site dialog will close.

To Allocate Users To The Logistics Site

  1. Open Framework Logistics Desktop.

  2. Open the User Allocation screen (Site > User Allocation)

  3. From the Site drop-down list, select a site. The Users (Unallocated) list will update.

  4. Select an unallocated user.

  5. Click the Allocate Users button (>>). The user will become allocated to the Tablet PC and moved to the Users (Allocated) list.

  6. Click the Close button when the required unallocated users have been allocated to their respective sites.

Step 3 - Set Master Files Folders Location

If implementing master files folders, enter their location on the Folders tab of the Framework Configuration Utility. This applies to the following master files folders:

  • Product and Design

  • OH&S

  • Quality

If master files folders are not being implemented, please proceed to Step 4 - Install Core Components.

To Set The Master Files Folders Location

In Framework Configuration Utility:

  1. Click the Folders tab.

  2. Enter the locations for the following:

    • Products/Design (inc drive & path)

    • OH&S (inc drive & path)

    • Quality (inc drive & path)

  3. Click the OK button. The locations will be saved and the application will close.

Step 4 - Install Core Components

Installs a set of common software tools used by the Framework Product Suite.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Insula Software Core Components\v16.x\

  3. Double-click setup.exe. The Insula Software Components installation will begin.

  4. Click the Next The Licence Agreement step will be displayed.

  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.

  6. Click the Next The Customer Information step will be displayed.

  7. Enter User Name and Organisation

  8. Select Anyone who uses this computer (all users).

  9. Click the Next The Setup Type step will be displayed.

  10. Select Complete.

  11. Click the Next The Ready To Install the Program step will be displayed.

  12. Click the Install button to begin the installation.

  13. Click the Finish button to complete the installation.

Step 5 - Install Framework Logistics Tablet

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Framework Logistics Tablet\vx.x.x\Setup\ (where x.x.x refers to the latest version of Framework Logistics Tablet).

  3. Double-click Framework Logistics Tablet.msi. The Welcome step will be displayed.

  4. Click Next . The Licence Agreement step will be displayed.

  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.

  6. Click Next. The Customer Information step will be displayed.

  7. Enter User Name and Organisation

  8. Select Anyone who uses this computer (all users).

  9. Click Next. The Setup Type step will be displayed.

  10. Select Complete.

  11. Click Next. The Ready To Install the Program step will be displayed.

  12. Click Install to begin the installation.

  13. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Step 6 - Install Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Installs Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (MSSQL) on the server. Refer to the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 home page for more information about this product.

Due to the range of versions and platforms available for Microsoft SQL Server 2012, the following instructions are based on the 32-bit Express Edition (with Advanced Services) of MSSQL. Your IT Support team can use this as a guide to installing other editions and platforms.

Pre-Requisite Software For Microsoft SQL Server 2012

The following software are required to be installed on the system prior to installing MSSQL 2012.

  • Microsoft DotNet 

  • Microsoft Windows Installer

  • Microsoft Powershell

Install - Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Express Edition)

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Database - MSSQL\Microsoft - SQL Server 2012 Express\

  3. Double click the relevant setup file. The Microsoft SQL Server installation will begin.

  4. From the sidebar, select Installation.

  5. Click New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation. The Setup Support Rules step will be displayed.

  6. Click the OK button. The Product Key step will be displayed.

  7. Click the Next button. The License Terms step will be displayed.

  8. Tick I accept the license terms.

  9. Click the Next button. The Setup Support Files step will be displayed.

  10. Click the Install button.

  11. Once the process is complete click the Next button. The Feature Selections step will be displayed.

  12. Click the Select All button. All of the features will be selected.

  13. Click the Next button. The Instance Configuration step will be displayed.

  14. Select Default instance.

  15.  Click the Next button. The Disk Space Requirement step will be displayed.

  16. Click the Next button. The Server Configuration step will be displayed.

  17. Select or enter an account name for each service, if required.

  18. Click the Next button. The Database Engine Configuration dialog will be displayed.

  19. Click the Add button to select users or groups.
    Click the Add Current User button to add the current user only.

  20. Click the Next button. The Reporting Services Configuration step will be displayed.

  21. Click the Next button. The Error and Usage Reporting step will be displayed.

  22. Click the Next button. The Installation Rules step will be displayed.

  23. Click the Next button. The Ready to Install step will be displayed.

  24. Click the Install button. The installation progress will begin.

  25. Once the installation is complete click Next. The Complete step will be displayed

  26. Click the Close button to complete the installation.

  27. Close SQL Server Installation Center.

Configure - Microsoft SQL Server 2012 To Allow Remote Connections

  1. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2012 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager).

  2. Expand: SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for [SQL]

  3. Enable TCP/IP.

  4. Enable Named Pipes.

  5. Close SQL Server Configuration Manager.

  6. Restart the SQL Server Service.

Install - Service Packs And Windows Update

Service Packs may be available for Microsoft SQL Server. Please check the Microsoft site (www.microsoft.com.au) for more information.

After installing any service packs, perform a Windows Update.

Step 7 - Restore Database

Copy - Database File To Tablet PC

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Browse to: [fw folder]\Service\01- Default Data\

  3. Copy the file: FworkSQLCstLTabletXX.bak

  4. On the Tablet PC, browse to: C:\Framework\Service\01 - Default Databases\

  5. Paste the file: FworkSQLCstLTabletXX.bak

Restore Database - Framework Construction Logistics Tablet

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio).

  2. Connect to the required server.

  3. Right-click on Databases and click Restore Database.... The Restore Database dialog will be displayed.

  4. In the To Databases field, enter the Framework Database Name.


  5. In the From Device field, click the Browse The Specify Backup dialog will be displayed.

  6. Click the Add The Locate Backup File dialog will be displayed.

  7. Select the folder location of the Microsoft SQL Server backup file.

    • Typical Folder: C:\Framework\Service\01 - Default Data\

    • Typical File: bak

  8. Click the OK The Locate Backup File dialog will close.

  9. Click the OK The Specify Backup dialog will close.

  10. In the Restore column, tick the backup to be restored.

  11. Select the Options

  12. In the Restore the database file as list, click the Browse button for the Framework Logistics Tablet database (i.e., FworkSQLCstLTablet). The Locate Database Files dialog will be displayed.
    Use the default file location.

  13. Select the folder location where the database will be restored to.
    Default Location: C:\Framework\Data\DataMSSQL\

  14. In the File Name field, enter the file name: mdf

  15. Click the OK

  16. In the Restore the database file as list, click the Browse button for the Framework Logistics Tablet database log (i.e., FworkSQLCstLTablet_log). The Locate Database Files dialog will be displayed.
    Use the default file location.

  17. Select the folder location where the database will be restored to.
    Default Location: C:\Framework\Data\DataMSSQL\

  18. In the File Name field, enter the file name: ldf

  19. Click the OK

  20. Click the OK The database restoration will be performed.

  21. Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Delete - Database Restore File

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Browse to: C:\Framework\Service\01 - Default Databases\

  3. Delete the file: FworkSQLCstLTabletXX.bak

Step 8 - Configure Microsoft SQL Server Security

Allows users to connect to the Framework databases.

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio).

  2. Connect to the required server.

  3. Expand: [Server Name] > Security > Logins

  4. Right-click the Logins folder and select New Login. The Login - New dialog will be displayed.

  5. Select the General

  6. In the Login Name field, enter Domain\Domain Users

  7. Ensure the selection for the Default Database is: master

  8. Select the User Mapping

  9. From the Users Mapped to This Login list, tick FworkSQLCstLTablet. The Database Role Membership For [Selected Database] list will be updated.

  10. Ensure that the following two items are ticked:

    • db_owner

    • public

  11. Click the OK

Step 9 - Implement Script Files

Four batch files are included with the installation of Framework Logistics Tablet. These batch files assist in connecting

Tablet PCs to the organisation's network drives during synchronisation. The four batch files include:

  • Login Script:

    • login.bat

  • Backup Script:

    • backup.bat

Login Script

Please note that the linked file synchronisation features in Framework Construction Logistics require mapped network drives to access shared files. Traditional network access and mapped drives must be supported in any VPN solution.

When Framework Logistics Tablet is installed on the Tablet PC, the file login.bat is copied to the C:\Framework\Synchronise folder. The initial contents of the file are empty.

This file allows the synchronisation process to run a login script to assist in connecting the Tablet PC to the organisation's network drives.

If desired, edit (or replace) the login.bat with the Windows login script that supervisor's require. The organisation's login script should allow users to have mapped drives for accessing job linked files and master files.

For more information on creating login scripts, consult your Microsoft Windows Server documentation.

Backup Script

When Framework Logistics Tablet is installed on the Tablet PC, a backup file is copied to the C:\Framework\Synchronise folder. This file allows the real-time backup of the local Framework Logistics Tablet database. The initial contents of the backup batch file contains examples of backup scripts.

For more information on creating login scripts, consult your Microsoft Windows Server documentation.

Local Backup

Executable Filename: backup.bat

Result: Will create a local backup of the Framework Logistics Tablet database on the Tablet PC.


Step 10 - ODBC DSN Configurations

Provides the Tablet PC with connections to the Framework databases.

ODBC DSN Configuration - Framework ECM

  1. Open Data Sources (ODBC).

  2. Select the System DSN

  3. Click the Add The Create New Data Source dialog will be displayed.

  4. Select SQL Server Native Client 11.0 (for SQL 2012)

  5. Click the Finish The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog will be displayed.

  6. Enter the following details:

    • Name: FworkSQLEcm

    • Description (optional): Enter a description for the database connection. For example, Framework ECM.

    • Server: Select the SQL Server from the Server drop-down list.
      Enter the SQL Server name.

  7. Click the Next

  8. Click the Next

  9. Tick: Change the default database to

  10. From the drop-down list select: FworkSQLEcm

  11. Click the Next

  12. Click the Finish The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will be displayed.

  13. Click the Test Data Source...

  14. If successful, click the OK

  15. Click the OK The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will close.

  16. Click the OK The Data Sources (ODBC) Administrator dialog will close.

ODBC DSN Configuration - Framework Licence

  1. Open Data Sources (ODBC).

  2. Select the System DSN

  3. Click the Add The Create New Data Source dialog will be displayed.

  4. Select SQL Server Native Client 11.0.

  5. Click the Finish The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog will be displayed.

  6. Enter the following details:

    1. Name: FworkSQLLic

  7. Description (optional): Enter a description for the database connection. For example, Framework Licence.

  8. Server: Select the SQL Server from the Server drop-down list.
    Enter the SQL Server name.

  9. Click the Next

  10. Click the Next

  11. Tick: Change the default database to

  12. From the drop-down list select: FworkSQLLic

  13. Click the Next

  14. Click the Finish The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will be displayed.

  15. Click the Test Data Source...

  16. If successful, click the OK

  17. Click the OK The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will close.

ODBC DSN Configuration - Framework Construction Logistics Tablet

  1. Open Data Sources (ODBC).

  2. Select the System DSN

  3. Click the Add The Create New Data Source dialog will be displayed.

  4. Select SQL Server Native Client 10.0.

  5. Click the Finish The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog will be displayed.

  6. Enter the following details:

    • Name: FworkSQLCstLTablet

    • Description (optional): Enter a description for the database connection. For example, Framework Construction Logistics Tablet.

    • Server:Select the SQL Server Database on which Framework Logistics Tablet is installed on your local tablet.
      Enter the SQL Server name.

  7. Click the Next

  8. Click the Next

  9. Tick: Change the default database to

  10. From the drop-down list select: FworkSQLCstLTablet

  11. Click the Next

  12. Click the Finish The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will be displayed.

  13. Click the Test Data Source...

  14. If successful, click the OK

  15. Click the OK The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will close.

  16. Click the OK The Data Sources (ODBC) Administrator dialog will close.

Step 11 - Test Framework Logistics Tablet

Tests the installation of Framework Logistics Tablet.

  1. Start Framework Logistics Tablet (Start > All Programs > Insula Software > Framework Construction Logistics Tablet).

  2. Click the Yes button to connect to the Framework server and configure the Tablet PC site. The Framework Logistics Synchronise dialog will be displayed and the software will attempt to connect to the server.

  3. After successful connection, click the Advanced

  4. From the Select a profile list, select Daily (full sync) - Construction Data

  5. From the Recommended list, tick all items from 1 to 7.

  6. Tap the Start button to start the synchronisation.

  7. After the synchronisation has completed, the Synchronisation Complete prompt will appear.

  8. Click the OK The Framework Logistics Synchronise dialog will close.

  9. Log on to the system.

  10. Start Framework Logistics Tablet (Start > All Programs > Insula Software > Framework Construction Logistics Tablet).

  11. Log on to the system.

  12. Tap the Synchronise

  13. Tap Meeting Day Synchronise.

  14. Once complete, tap the Synchronise

  15. Tap the Advanced

  16. Tick:

    • Synchronise Job Files

    • Synchronise Master Files

  17. Tap the Standard

  18. Tap New Jobs Synchronise.

  19. Once complete, close Framework Construction Logistics Tablet.

Step 12 - User Acceptance Tests

The following is a list of view only tests that should be performed after updating the application.

Screen / View

Menu Path


Screen / View

Menu Path


Start Framework Construction Logistics Tablet

Log in as the assigned user for the Tablet PC

View all screens using the Home page

View all screens using the Toolbar


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