Standard Notes

Standard Notes

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The Standard Note screen allows for the creation of predetermined statements that are commonly used in comments, alerts, and follow up items. This allows for greater efficiency and consistency in entering regular information.





A note category called Logistics - Message Subject may contain a list of standard notes that includes:
- Please call
- Contact client
- Contact supplier
A note category called CRM - Comments may contain a list of standard notes that includes: 
- Call client
- Call finance institution
- Call supervisor

Creating A Standard Note

By default, when creating a new standard note, the note category selected will be listed in the Category tab of the Standard Note dialog.

  1. From the Note Category list, select the required category.

  2. Click New. The General tab of the Standard Note dialog will be displayed.

  3. Enter the details.

  4. Select the Category tab.

  5. Enter the details.

  6. Click OK. The dialog will close a new standard note will be created.