
Welcome to Finlease TFS Knowledge-base 

This space is used to document all The Financeshop procedures for both support and broker staff.

The topics covered are shown below (You can navigate to them by clicking on the desired topic or you can use the menu on the left side of this page.

Below are  links to the Insula TFS knowledge-base release notes, news, manuals and general how to sections.

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Insula Software makes no other warranties whatsoever, either express or implied, regarding the software or the content of the documentation. Insula Software hereby expressly states that you or your company acknowledges that Insula Software does not make any warranties, including, for example, with respect to merchantability, title, or fitness for any particular purpose or arising from course of dealing or usage of trade, among others.

Information contained within this knowledgebase is subject to change without notice.

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