The My Contacts screen allows you to view and interact with contacts registered in the Safety portal;
- Enter the contact you are searching for.
- Select the type of contact that they are.
- Click on Search.
- Click on the contact
When you click on the contact you will see all of their information;
If you want to store attachments against a user you can use the Attachments accordion;
You can record comments against the contact in the Communication accordion. These comment allow you to keep notes against the contact. They are not visible to the contact
You cam also send an email from the contact. When you select Send \ Email the Add Recipients screen is displayed.
- Select how you are going to search for the contact.
- Enter the search criteria.
- Click on Search.
- Select the required contacts.
- Click on Add Selected.
You can then enter the email details
The email can be seen in the communication accordion.