Onsite Inspect Usage Onsite Inspect Administration Onsite Inspect Release Information Onsite Inspect Resource Centre
Articles in this section are for the users of the web appliance and the mobile application.
Articles in this section are for use by technical staff maintaining the database and integration.
Details of the features that were delivered in specific platform releases and details of what is in the Roadmap for the product.
Onsite Inspect FAQ
Articles in this section provide answers to frequently asked questions on the Onsite Inspect appliances.
Onsite Inspect Ideas Portal
The 2022.1 Platform release saw the introduction of several enhancements to structured inspections. This document gives a complete overview of how to use structured inspections.
Table of Contents
Perspective to maintain structured inspections
To be able to create or work with structured inspection templates you need to have either the role Onsite Inspect - Data Administrator or Onsite Inspect - System Administrator.
When logged into one of these Perspectives you have an additional Administration menu with 2 options.
Inspection Templates are the items that you want the person performing the inspection to review.
Response Groups are where you can define your own custom responses.
Response Groups
Structured inspections ask for responses from the user which are translated into one of two states, either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Standard Response Groups
The standard response groups, that can be used and the responses available, are shown below.
Group |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable |
Pass/Fail/Not Available |
Ranking |
Reverse Yes/No/Not Applicable |
Satisfaction |
Score 1 -10 |
Score 1 -5 |
Yes/No/NA/NV |
Yes/No/Not Applicable |
The responses translate to two response types. The type can either be
Satisfactory. The item has passed.
Needs Attention. The item has failed and further actions are required.
The table below shows how the responses map to response types.
Response Group | Response | Response Type |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Pass | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Fail | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | N/A | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Pass | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Fail | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Not Available | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 1 - Extremely Poor | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Ranking | 2 - Poor | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Ranking | 3 - Neutral | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 4 - Good | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 5 - Excellent | Satisfactory |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | Yes | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | No | Satisfactory |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | N/A | Satisfactory |
Satisfaction | Satisfactory | Satisfactory |
Satisfaction | Unsatisfactory | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Satisfaction | Neither | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 1 | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 2 | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 3 | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 4 | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 5 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 6 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 7 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 8 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 9 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 10 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 1 | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 5 | 2 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 3 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 4 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 5 | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | Yes | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | No | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Yes / No / Na / NV | N/A | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | Not Verified | Satisfactory |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | Yes | Satisfactory |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | No | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | N/A | Satisfactory |
Adding a Response Group
In addition to the standard response groups you can also add your own;
When you click on Add Response Group you will see the following dialogue;
There are 2 different item formats.
Multiple choice - One response - The user can only select one response.
Multiple choice - Multiple responses - The user can select between the defined minimum and maximum number of responses.
Adding a Response Item
When you have a Response Group you can add the Response Items.
You will then see the following;
If the response equates to Unsatisfactory you do not need to make a selection as that is the default status. If the response equates to being satisfactory tick the box.
At a response level, you can specify the minimum number of photos that are required.
You can also define whether or not notes are mandatory based on the response.
You can add as many responses as required. Though you should bear in mind how this will appear on the app.
Inspection Templates
To create your inspection template go to Administration > Inspection Templates.
When you click on the Add Inspection Template button the following screen is displayed.
If you tick Work is Allowed this means that the items will follow the same workflow as a standard inspection.
If you tick, the Terms and Conditions are Required? option you can then supply a URL to your terms and conditions.
When you have added your inspection template you will see a screen similar to the one below.
Adhoc item format
When you have added the template you can define what type of item will be added if the user adds an item to the inspection..
Defect item - You will be able to enter an item in the same format as you do in a non-structured inspection.
Standard item - This will allow you to add an item in the format shown below;
Adding Groups to your template
You add groups to your template to categorise your inspection items.
When you click Add Group you will see a screen similar to the one below.
The Location field is not currently used. Future versions will utilise this to define the location that any ad-hoc defect items will be allocated to when the group is selected.
Adding items to your Group
When you select your group you add the inspection items to it.
When you click on the Add Item button you will see a screen similar to the one below.
Response Type
The response type allows for 4 different options
Data List - This allows you to select one of the Response Groups.
Date - The user must supply a date.
Date/Time - The user must supply a date and time.
Time - The user must supply a time.
The Default Response allows you to specify the response that will be highlighted when the inspector sees the item. It is planned that in the future the default response will be allowed to be accepted without the inspector having made a response. This will be useful in scenarios where there are a lot of standard questions which for the majority of the time the answer is the same allowing the inspector to only supply an answer to the items that require attention.
This setting is used to determine what meets the criteria for the item to be satisfactory. There are 3 different options;
Option | Definition |
Satisfied when none are selected | If the user does not make any selections (They just hit the Next button.) the item will be seen as Complete. For example this is useful in scenarios where you are asking for a list of things that are defective, |
Satisfied when all selected are satisfactory | When the user selects all responses that are deemed as satisfactory. For example you have a response group; Im Happy - Satisfactory |
Satisfied when all are selected | When the user selects all responses. For example you have a response group;