Group | Field | Description | Actions | ||||||
Details | Job Specific? | Is this Email for the current Job only? | |||||||
Job Number | Current Job Number | ||||||||
From | Email address of the sender | This field will display the primary email for the logged in user.
Using the dropdown button displays alternative emails, either for the logged in user or the Security Preference enterprise default. | |||||||
Template | For selection of predetermined communication template | To view the available Templates select the popup to launch the Select Email Template dialog. The Template can contain
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To Cc Bcc | Primary Recipients Carbon Copy Recipients Blind Carbon Copy Recipients | To add recipients for To, Cc or Bcc, select the relevant popup button to launch the Email Recipients dialog. Here you can select Client, Job or Entity contacts, using Ctrl to multi-select within each group.
If there is a required recipient that does not appear in any of the groups, it can be entered as Custom. The Recipient dialog can be opened multiple times to build up the recipient list. Individual addresses can be removed from To, Cc or Bcc by using Backspace, or use the to clear all addresses.
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Cc Me | Carbon Copy Logged in User | Tick or untick to send a copy of the email to the logged in user. | |||||||
Bcc Me | Blind Carbon Copy Logged in User | Tick or untick to send a blind copy of the email to the logged in user.
| |||||||
Subject | Email Subject text | This can be free-typed, populated by a selected Template, or both. | |||||||
Message | Email message and Signature | This can be free-typed, populated by a selected Template, or both. The toolbar of the dialog has multiple text tools for font, colour, size and formatting.
| |||||||
Attachments | Name Size (MB) Date Modified | Attachment processes and list | The Attach button launches an explorer dialog for the selection of various attachments. Multiple document can be attached at once, and the Attach button can be used multiple times. Individual or multiple attachments can be selected in the list and removed. All attachments can be removed at once. Important: The attachment maximum limit is 5MB. There is a Total File Size counter that displays the total size of the attached documents. The value will be displayed in red if the value exceeds the limit. |