This indicates the worker must supply some compliance information. They can either click on the link or the tile.
When they click on the compliance items using the a new tab will open, and they can enter the details of the compliance item and upload a document.
This indicates the worker must complete an induction. When they select the tile they will see their assigned inductions.
When they click on the induction hyperlink they will be asked a series of questions. When they have answered the last question they will be able to submit the induction.
Different Perspectives in Onsite Safety
The Perspective will then change, and he can see all items relating to the Organisation.
Adding workers via the Supplier Portal (SupplyChain)
If you use SupplyChain the Supplier Portal with the Onsite Safety Licensee you can maintain your staff in the portal. To do this you must be a management contact for the company.
When you click on it you will see all of your staff.
When you click on the Add Staff/Subcontractor button you can enter their details;
Removing Workers via Onsite Safety
If you choose Delete the person will not be visible to any Onsite Safety licensees and will lose all access to the portals.
Download and Log in to Onsite Eye
If you work onsite you must download and log in to the Onsite Eye mobile app, available from your device's App Store.
It is a requirement to be ready to present the app and prove your identity and safety compliance when working onsite.
Additionally, you may be able to access purchase orders and project documentation from within the app when you check in onsite.