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Integrated Fields
The integration of MYOB Accounts Receivable to Framework ECM is of MYOB Accounts Receivable to Framework ECM is fixed in the content that is exchanged between the systems. There are no user-configurable integrated fields available for this type of integration.
Database Models
The following database model(s) displays the manner in which data is integrated between the third party application and Framework and Framework Integration.
Integration Process
The following information is a low level account of the integration process including criteria, decisions, and outcomes. This information is technical in nature and is provided "as-is" for a detailed analysis of the integration process for system administrators.
Read profile keys to determine which actions to process.
Get eligible Framework jobs using v_FWINT_Invoices where
cst_claim.s_invoice_num > 0 and its length < 8 characters
cst_claim.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
cst_claim.f_link_exported <> -1
client.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
Job. l_job_status_gl_id = -7 (Active) or -10 (On Hold) or l_job_status_gl_id = -946 (Pending Cancellation) or -8 (Cancelled) and d_cont_cancelled >= (today - 14 days)
and apply Criteria Method criteria where CriteriaMethod is
Single Region Division • job.l_context_id = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
Single Job • job.s_job_num = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
Single Team • job.l_team_id = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
All Jobs • job.l_job_id <> 0
Accounts Entity • job.l_accounts_e_id = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
The MYOB table Jobs is checked for a matching Job Number where Jobs.JobNumber = ‘job.s_link_boq’, or if the s_link_boq field is empty then the match is done on Jobs.JobNumber = ‘job.s_job_num’
If the job is found then a new record is added to the temporary Import_Service_Sales table, from where MYOB Sales, SaleLines and ServiceSaleLines tables are updated via an internal MYOB process
The Framework cst_claim is updated so that…
cstClaim.f_link_exported is set to true
cstClaim.s_link_accts is set to Sales.SaleID
Eligible receipts are read from MYOB Sales, SaleLines, CustomerPayments and CustomerPaymentLines tables where
if profile key DepositRunEndDate is empty then CustomerPayments.TransactionDate > = ‘DepositRunStartDate’ and <= now, else if DepositRunEndDate has a date entered then
CustomerPayments.TransactionDate > = ‘DepositRunStartDate’ and <= ‘DepositRunEndDate’
Additionally, if Sales.TotalCredits > 0, then MYOB SettledCredits and SettledCreditLines tables are also read where
if profile key DepositRunEndDate is empty then SettledCredits.TransactionDate > = ‘DepositRunStartDate’ and <= now, else if DepositRunEndDate has a date entered then
SettledCredits.TransactionDate > = ‘DepositRunStartDate’ and <= ‘DepositRunEndDate’
If MYOB record exists we
Make sure the receipt does not exist in the cont_pay table where cont_pay.s_link_accts = CustomerPaymentLines. CustomerPaymentLineID (alternatively SettledCreditLines. SettledCreditLineID)
if the payment does not exist then we can create it. First get the Framework job where job.s_job_num = SaleLines.JobID
Then Insert the new cont_pay receipt record and update cst_claim.
After processing receipts the profile key depositRunStartDate is updated.
Eligible Framework jobs for checking are retrieved from v_FWINT_ConsistencyByJob or v_FWINT_ConsistencyByInvoice, depending on profile setting, where
If Check Consistency Level is claim by claim
Job.l_wfl_stgMajor_id is checked against profile settings in the possible range of -5 to -2 (Pre-Administration, Administration, Construction, Maintenance)
Job. l_job_status_gl_id = -7 (Active) or -10 (On Hold) or l_job_status_gl_id = -946 (Pending Cancellation)
job.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
Cst_claim.s_invoice_num is not empty
If Check Consistency Level is job by job
Job.l_wfl_stgMajor_id is checked against profile settings in the possible range of -5 to -2 (Pre-Administration, Administration, Construction, Maintenance)
Job. l_job_status_gl_id = -7 (Active) or -10 (On Hold) ) or l_job_status_gl_id = -946 (Pending Cancellation)
job.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
apply Criteria Method criteria where CriteriaMethod is
Single Region Division • job.l_context_id = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
Single Job • job.s_job_num = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
Single Team • job.l_team_id = ‘CriteriaMethodID’
All Jobs • job.l_job_id <> 0
Accounts Entity • job.l_accounts_e_id =‘CriteriaMethodID’
Invoice Totals are compared between MYOB and Framework:
If Check Consistency Level is Claim by Claim
Cst_claims with the same invoice numbers have their cst_claim.c_total field values summed together
The matching invoice is retrieved from transactions where Sales.SaleID = cst_claim.s_link_accts
If the invoice record is found the Sales.(TotalLines + TotalTax) is compared with the total of the cst_claim.c_total fields we calculated previously, to determine if the invoice totals match.
If Check Consistency Level is Job by Job
All eligible claims for the job are read and the sum of cst_claim.c_total is determined
The sum is compared to MYOB Sales.(TotalLines + TotalTax)
Receipt Totals for each invoice or job are compared between MYOB and Framework
If Check Consistency Level is Claim by Claim
Cst_claims with the same invoice numbers have their cst_claim.c_paid_amt field values summed together
The matching receipts are retrieved from transactions where Sales.SaleID = cst_claim.s_link_accts
If there are receipts then the sum of Sales.(TotalPaid + TotalCredits) is calculated and compared with the total of the cst_claim.c_paid_amt fields we calculated previously, to determine if the receipts match.
If Check Consistency Level is Job by Job
The Framework Payments are summed together, the sum of c_pay from cont_pay is added up. Then because some cst_claims can indicate a refund we have to sum any cst_claims for the job where the c_paid_amt < 0 and remove this amount from the total payments.
The matching receipts are retrieved from transactions where Sales.SaleID = cst_claim.s_link_accts
If there are receipts then the sum of Sales.(TotalPaid + TotalCredits) is calculated and compared with the total of the Framework payments, to determine if the receipts match.