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The Work Flow Analysis Test screen manages the duration tests that measure the acceptable time that can elapse between two activities. When this duration passes, the test is considered overdue.


From the Administration module (within Framework ECM), select Production from the sidebar then Wfl. Analysis.

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To create a new work flow test:

  • Click New.

The following dialog will appear:Image Removed


Fill out the various fields:

  • Category – relates to the test itself, typically [Common Work Flow Tests]

  • Name – a title for the test itself, i.e. 'Build Contract Received'. The easiest name is that of the actual field we are looking to analyse, e.g. the name of the field in Test Field 2.

  • Description – following on the previous name, a sample description might be: “Build Contract has been Received 7 days after Build Contract Signed

  • Type – there are only two options for this, field 1 exists, field 2 does not, field 3 is in the paste / stage duration. If you are simply after Field 1 x amount of days after Field 2, then stage duration is the ‘default’ choice.

  • Minor Work Flow Stage – select the appropriate minor stage from the list

  • Calculation Method – there are several calculation methods available, however each is suited to a different scenario. Our default options are typically Cal Days – Standard duration between fields 1 and 2, and Work Days – Standard duration between fields 1 and 2.

  • Allowance – how many days do you wish to allow staff to have before it is expected that the task is complete

  • Order – where in the list of work flow tests do you wish to have this particular test

  • Notes – any additional notes that you wish to add to this test

Adding Test Fields

To add a test field, select the RMS Field Context popup icon (ellipsis), and you will be presented with the below screen:



Make use of the Test TYPE.

By setting the TYPE to "Field 1 exists, Field 2 does not, Field 3 is in the past" this allows you to run Work Flow Tests against scenarios where you require 2 fields to be not null.


Soil Report has been received, Foundation Design has been Received, Permit Ordered has not occurred.

Allocating Work Flow Tests

After creating your work flow tests above and beyond the standard Framework WF Tests, you can now allocate these tests to region/divisions and then individual staff members. A test can be allocated to a single region/division or all region/divisions.

  1. Select/Click into the Region/Division Tests list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.

  2. Click New. The Region/Division Work Flow Analysis Test dialog.

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  3. Make a selection for the following fields: 

    • Region/Division.

    • Work flow Test (e.g. which test are we wanting to create into this region/division - perhaps the one created in previous steps).

4. Enter values for the following fields: 

    • Allowance (if different to the created/default test)

    • Order (leave 0 unless a custom order is preferred)

5. From the Staff list, select a staff member.

6. Click Allocate. The selected work flow analysis test will be allocated to a staff member

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Turning on Work Flow Tests on Login

Navigate to the security module within Framework Ecm, and then select the user folder / tab

  • Select the user you wish to edit the work flow tests for

  • Select the region/division tab

  • Edit the current region/divisions that are available and you will be given a screen that has several options for Work Flow Analysis:


Select and modify the settings (above) to reflect how many / few work flow tests you wish to perform/receive and whether you want to show the analysis.

There are also preferences that can be edited within the security module:Image Removed


If you need more assistance with Work Flow tests, please take a look at our work flow analysis best practice guide.


Ongoing Management

To ensure the maximum benefit of work flow analysis, tests should periodically be reviewed for all work flow stages. Individual tests should be reviewed for their relevance in terms of durations and dependencies. Current tests may become redundant over time and new tests may be required.

Framework system Framework system administrators should include the allocation and setup of work flow tests as part of their checklist for any staff changes (new staff, redundant staff, staff role changes).

titleContact Us

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