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Return to Octal8 BizPrac Client and Jobs Integration
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Integrated Fields
The integration of Octal8 of Octal8 BizPrac Client and Jobs to Framework ECM is Jobs to Framework ECM is fully customisable via the integration mapping database.
Table: File23 (Jobs)
Octal8 |
BizPrac Database Field Name | Octal8 |
BizPrac Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
C_code | Unique Client Code | Yes | No | Special # 14: Gets next unique number from file903.tps |
Job_no | Job Number | Yes | No | Framework – s_job_num |
Address1 | Job Address | Yes | Yes | Special # 5: Job lot number, job street number, job street name |
Suburb | Fkid number to the correct suburb in file35 | Yes | Yes | Special #41: Searches for the matching suburb and returns the linkCode, otherwise creates the suburb in the table if it does not exist and returns the new linkCode |
Books | BookSet | Yes | No | Fixed Value 1 |
Contact | Primary Contact Name | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientCont_name |
Contract | Contract inc GST | Yes | Yes | Framework - c_retail_external |
Phone | Primary Contact Business Hours Phone | Yes | Yes | Framework – s_client_phone |
Fax | Primary Contact Fax | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_fax |
Mobile | Primary Contact Mobile | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_mobile |
Job_name | Client Reference Name | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_nameRef |
jobType | New Home | Yes | No | Fixed Value ‘New Home’ |
Table: File816 (Clients)
Octal8 |
BizPrac Database Field Name | Octal8 |
BizPrac Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
C_code | Unique Client Code | Yes | No | Special # 14: Gets next unique number from file903.tps |
Client_name | Client Reference Name | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_nameRef |
Contactname | Client Salutation | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_salutation |
Books | BookSet | Yes | No | Fixed Value 1 |
cliAddress1 | Client Address | Yes | Yes | Special #1: Client street number and client street name |
cliSuburb | Fkid number to the correct suburb in file35 | Yes | Yes | Special # 41: Searches for the matching suburb and returns the linkCode, otherwise creates the suburb in the table if it does not exist and returns the new linkCode |
Country | Country | Yes | Yes | Framework – s_client_country |
cliPhone | Primary Contact Business Hours Phone | Yes | Yes | Framework – s_client_phone |
cliFax | Primary Contact Fax | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_fax |
Mobile | Primary Contact Mobile | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_mobile |
Alt_name | Client Name | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_name |
Alt_contactName | Client Salutation | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_salutation |
Alt_address1 | Client Address | Yes | Yes | Special # 1: Client street number and client street name |
Alt_suburb | Fkid number to the correct suburb in file35 | Yes | Yes | Special # 41: Searches for the matching suburb and returns thel inkCode, otherwise creates the suburb in the table if it does not exist and returns the new linkCode. |
Alt_country | Country | Yes | Yes | Framework- s_client_country |
Table: File35 (Suburb)
Octal8 |
BizPrac Database Field Name | Octal8 |
BizPrac Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
Linkcode | Unique Suburb Code | Yes | No | Gets next unique number from file903.tps |
City_name | Suburb Name | Yes | No | Framework – s_client_suburb or s_job_suburb |
State | Suburb State (short version) | Yes | No | Framework – s_client_state or s_job_state |
postcode | Postcode | Yes | No | Framework – s_client_postcode or s_job_postcode |
Database Models
The following database model(s) displays the manner in which data is integrated between the third party application and Framework and Framework Integration.
Integration Process
The following information is a low level account of the integration process including criteria, decisions, and outcomes. This information is technical in nature and is provided "as-is" for a detailed analysis of the integration process for system administrators.
Initial Checks
License for BizPrac Accounts integration is checked.
Framework DSN is opened
Framework shutdown flag is checked, if not set for shutdown we continue.
Integration Mapping DSN is opened.
BizPrac DSN is opened.
Profile values are read from the integration profile. If reads are successful we continue.
Framework jobs eligible for integration are retrieved from v_sched_tlGold1 with the following criteria
S_client_nameRef is not null
S_client_name is not null
Job.s_link_accts <> N/A
Job.s_link_boq <> N/A
Job.l_job_status_gl_id = -7 (active)
Job.l_job_status_gl_id = -10(on hold)
or l_job_status_gl_id = -946 (Pending Cancellation)
Job.l_job_status_gl_id = -8 and (cont.d_cont_cancelled < 14 days ago)(cancelled in the last 2 weeks)Job.l_wfl_stgmajor_id <> -5 (job not in maintenance)
Job.l_wfl_stgMinor_id = -18 and (cont.d_settle_act < 140 days ago) (job in minor stage of maint dlp and not longer than 20 weeks since settlement)
Job.l_wfl_stgMinor_id = -19 and maint.d_dlp_expiry_act <28 days ago)(job in minor stage of maint service and not longer than 28 days since dlp complete actual.)And apply criteria method criteria where CriteriaMethod is...
Single Region Division – job.l_context_id = criteriaData
Single Job – job.s_job_num = criteriaData
Single Team – job.l_team_id = criteriaData
All Jobs – job.l_job_id <> 0
Accounts Entity – job.l_accounts_e_id = criteriaData
For each Framework Job, search for the matching BizPrac accounts record from file23 where
If job.s_link_boq is empty then (job_no = job.s_job_num)
Else (job_no = job.s_link_boq)
If there is a match we update the record in BizPrac
Open recordsets in edit mode for file23 (BizPrac's job file) and file816 (BizPrac's client file)
i. Get the matching record from file23 then use that records c_code to retrieve the correct record from file816.
Copy framework data to BizPrac using the settings in the integration mapping database.
If there is no match we create the record in BizPrac
Open recordsets and create new records in file23 (BizPrac's job file) and file816 (BizPrac's client file)
Copy framework data to BizPrac using the settings in the integration mapping database.
Update Output with summary details and email if specified.