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Return to Microsoft Dynamics Client and Jobs Integration
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Integrated Fields
The integration of Microsoft of Microsoft Dynamics Client and Jobs to Framework ECM is Jobs to Framework ECM is fully customisable via the integration mapping database.
Microsoft |
DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft |
Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
JobPkid |
Yes | No | Framework - l_job_id |
contextID |
Yes | Yes | Special #37: Framework - l_context_id or ini profile Office Context Value. |
ProjID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_job_num |
CustName |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientName |
ProjStatus |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobStatus |
CustStreetNum |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientStreetNum |
CustStreetName |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientStreetName |
CustCity |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientSuburb |
CustPostcode |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientPostcode |
SaleType |
Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_sType_id |
StageMajorID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_wflStgMajorName |
ProjStreetName |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobStreetName |
ProjCity |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobSuburb |
ProjPostCode |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobPostcode |
ConsRegionID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_teamName |
ConsPromotionTypeID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_prom_id |
ConsLotID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobLotNum |
ConsHouseNumber |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobStreetNum |
ConsStoreyID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_hElev_id |
ConsBuildingTypeID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_hType_id |
ConsSeries |
Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_hSeries_id |
ConsFacadeID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - l_prd_hFacade_id |
ConsConstructionManagerID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_csManager |
ConsSupervisorID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_supervisorName |
ConsPreSiteAdminID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_adminName |
ConsConstructionAdminID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_csgAdminName |
ConsSalesPersonID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_salesPersonName |
ConsOrderingEstimatorID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_estimatorName |
ConsContractDraftpersonID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_draftsPersonName |
ConsTenderEstimator |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_tenderEstimatorName |
ConsBaseHousePrice |
Yes | Yes | Framework - c_retail_internal |
ConsContractValue |
Yes | Yes | Framework - c_retail_external |
ConsMapRefID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobMapRef |
ResponsibleParty |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_rPartyName |
ActSiteStartDate |
Yes | Yes | Framework - d_site_start_act |
ActDateCertOccRecv |
Yes | Yes | Framework - d_cofo_fRec_act |
ActSettlementDate |
Yes | Yes | Framework - d_settle_act |
CancellationCategory |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_cancelCategoryName |
DateCancelled |
Yes | Yes | Framework - d_cont_cancelled |
CancellationNotes |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_notes_cancelled |
DateContractDeleted |
Yes | Yes | Framework - d_cont_deleted |
DateJobCreated |
Yes | Yes | Special #30: date job create & time date created. |
JobCreatedBy |
Yes | No | Framework - s_jobUserCreated |
DateJobModified |
Yes | No | Special #31: date job modified & time job modified. |
JobModifiedBy |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_jobUserModified |
ConsMunicipalityID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_municipalityName |
contractValueChangedBy |
Yes | Yes |
CustState |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientState |
Microsoft |
DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft |
Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
entityPkid |
Yes | No | Framework - l_entity_id |
contextID |
Yes | Yes | Special #37: Framework - l_context_id or ini profile Office Context Value. |
ProjID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_job_num |
Name |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientContName |
PrimaryContact |
Yes | Yes | Framework - f_primaryContact |
ContactInactive |
Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactiveContact |
BHTel |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_bhTel |
AHTel |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_ahTel |
Mobile |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_mobTel |
Fax |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_faxTel |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_emailTel |
DateContactCreated |
Yes | No | Special #32: date contact created & time contact created. |
ContactCreatedBy |
Yes | No | Framework - s_contUserCreated |
ContactModifiedBy |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_contUserModified |
DateContactModified |
Yes | Yes | Special #33: date contact modified & time contact modified. |
Microsoft |
DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft |
Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
DocPkid |
Yes | No | Framework - l_doc_id |
contextID |
Yes | Yes | Special #37: Framework - l_context_id or ini profile Office Context Value. |
ProjID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_job_num |
DocNumber |
Yes | Yes | Framework - i_number |
Amount |
Yes | Yes | Framework - c_retail_total |
DateSigned |
Yes | Yes | Framework - d_signed_act |
DocStatus |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_docStatus |
DateVariationCreated |
Yes | No | Special #34: date variation created & time variation created. |
VariationCreatedBy |
Yes | No | Framework - s_docUserCreated |
DateVariationModified |
Yes | Yes | Special #35: date variation modified & time variation modified. |
VariationModifiedBy |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_docUserModified |
Microsoft |
DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft |
Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdHElevPkid |
Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_hElev_id |
Inactive |
Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft |
DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft |
Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdHFacadePkid |
Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_hFacade_id |
Inactive |
Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft |
DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft |
Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdHSeriesPkid |
Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_hSeries_id |
Inactive |
Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft |
DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft |
Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdHTypePkid |
Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_hType_id |
Inactive |
Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft |
DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft |
Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdPromPkid |
Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_prom_id |
ContextID |
Yes | Yes | Framework - l_context_id |
Inactive |
Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft |
DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft |
Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
PrdSTypeID |
Yes | No | Framework - l_prd_sType_id |
Inactive |
Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Name |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Microsoft |
DynamicsDatabase Field Name | Microsoft |
Dynamics Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
SourceDatabase |
Yes | No | Special #36: Framework Database Identifier. Preference default value retrieved from Framework. |
contextID |
Yes | No | Framework - l_context_id |
Name |
Yes | Yes | Framework - s_name |
Inactive |
Yes | Yes | Framework - f_inactive |
Database Models
The following database model(s) displays the manner in which data is integrated between the third party application and Framework and Framework Integration.
Integration Process
The following information is a low level account of the integration process including criteria, decisions, and outcomes. This information is technical in nature and is provided "as-is" for a detailed analysis of the integration process for system administrators.
Get Default Framework Database Identifier from Preference #-1024
Integrate Jobs
Get all Framework Jobs from v_fwInt_dnmxJobs where
If IncludeMaintenance is False
job.l_wfl_stgMajor_id <> -5 (Maintenance)
job.l_wfl_stgMinor_id <> -18 (Maintenance)
If OrderCriteria is 1 (all jobs)
Job.l_job_id <> 0 • Job.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’ Else OrderCriteria is 2 (Single Job)
Job.s_job_num = ‘OrderCriteriaID’
Job.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
We search for a match in Dynamics framProj table where
framProj.jobPkid = job.l_job_id
framProj.sourceDatabase = value for Framework Db Identifier
Known issues that prevent a job from being inserted are
that the Client name is null
Jobs that don’t insert into the db could be in maintenance.
Integrate Contacts
Get all Framework Contacts from v_fwInt_dnmxContacts where
Entity.l_entity_id <> 0
Cont.d_pay_iDeposit_act is not null
Job.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
Job.l_wfl_stgMajor_id <> -5 (Maintenance)
Job.l_wfl_stgMinor_id <> -18 (Maintenance)
We search for a match in Dynamics FramProjContact table where
FramProjContact.entityPkid = entity.l_entity_id
FramProjContact.projID = job.s_job_num
FramProjContact.sourceDatabase = value for Framework Db Identifier
Known issues that prevent a contact from being inserted are
that the contact name is null
Integrate Variations
Get all Framework Variations from v_fwInt_dnmxVarDocs where
Doc.l_doc_id <> 0
Cont.d_pay_iDeposit_act is not null
Job.s_link_accts <> ‘N/A’
Job.l_wfl_stgMajor_id <> -5 (Maintenance)
Job.l_wfl_stgMinor_id <> -18 (Maintenance)
We search for a match in Dynamics FramProjVariation table where
FramProjVariation.docPkid = doc.l_doc_id
FramProjVariation.sourceDatabase = value for Framework Db Identifier
Known issues that prevent a variation from being inserted are
The date field must be between 1/1/1753 and 31/12/9999
Integrate other LookUp tables
Framework Prd_sType updates fwLuPrdSType
Framework Prd_hElev updates fwLUPrdHElev
Framework Prd_hFacade updates fwLuPrdHFacade
Framework Prd_hSeries updates fwLuPrdHSeries
Framework Prd_hType updates fwLuPrdHType
Framework prd_prom updates fwLuPrdProm
Framework rDiv updates fwLuRDiv
Where each table pkid matches and the sourceDatabase matches the Framework Db Identifier
When doing the integration, the program looks at job.l_rpt_index2 it gets the number entered in that field and it checks the ini profile for the key OfficeContext(x)=y where x is equal to the value in job.l_rpt_index2. If it finds this key then it puts the value of y into the contextID. If it does not find an officeContext setting for that value then it uses job.l_context_id and copies this value into the contextID fields. So if you change a jobs context identification, it will only change the contextID field if the ini profile has a key for that OfficeContext.