The data on the Logistics Programme screen displays the predetermined activities required to be completed for the construction of a house. The list is populated by applying a template using the Template button.


GroupField / OptionDescription
Logistics Template ProgrammeTemplateLogistics template in use.

Compiled?Changes to the programme for this job, such as additional items, have been finalised and the programme has been compiled ready for use.


Activity Programme List

Critical Path Week 1 to 40

Critical Path Week 41 to 80

Default display. The activity items with work flow, flags and icons.

Critical path for the specific programme, up to Week 40.

Critical path beyond Week 40

Highlight Labour Activities?A blue highlight is displayed for a Logistics Activity that has been set as Labour Activity

*Load/Calls/Supplier Start?

Display additional columns Load, Calls and Supplier Can Start.

*Baseline Forecast?

Display additional columns and content for (Baseline).

*Best Possible Forecast?

Display Best Possible dates where there are no Forecast or Actual dates.  They appear as grey and italicised.  

*Manual Forecast?Display italicised Manual Forecast dates (where no Actual dates are present). Future dates are displayed as green and past dates as red.
Filter*Show Completed Items?Display activities with Complete Actual dates.

Show N/A Supplier Activities?Display items that have the Supplier set to Not Applicable.

Show Zero-Day Duration Activities?Display activities that have no set duration.


  1. Click Template. The Select Template Logistics Programme dialog will be displayed.
  2. Select a logistics programme.
  3. Click OK. The logistics programme will be applied to the job and the Construction Logistics Programme list will be updated.
titleIn Framework ECM 2020

titleExpand for more information

In Framework ECM v7.1, multiple Templates can be added. 

Inserting Additional Templates

  1. Click the Template button and select the first Template required.
  2. Ensure that the Compiled? flag is still set to No

  3. Highlight the activity where the next Template is to be inserted, and click the Template button again.

  4. Select Yes to insert the new Template, and select it from the list.  This can be repeated until all required Templates have been inserted.

Image Added

Compiling A Programme

This content is under developmentManually Compiling programmes may be preferable if individual jobs are not likely to have build schedules or requirements that are similar enough to be covered by generic Templates.  If that is likely, it is possible to apply a template, then add and delete individual activities to suit the requirements of the job.


To control whether a Template is Compiled manually or automatically see Security Preference: Framework Construction Logistics > -50336 Auto-compile Logistics Programme?.

Once all the specific changes have been made, select the Compile button to finalise the Programme.  

This will lock the activities into the order and placement, and calculate the progress requirements.

Linking Orders

This content is under development.
