- Category – relates to the test itself, typically [Common Work Flow Tests]
- Name – something relating to the WF a title for the test itself, i.e. 'Build Contract Received'
- Description – following on the previous name, a sample description might be: “Build Contract has been Received 7 days after Build Contract Signed”
- Type – there are only two options for this, field 1 exists, field 2 does not, field 3 is in the paste / stage duration. If you are simply after Field 1 x amount of days after Field 2, then stage duration is the ‘default’ choice.
- Minor Work Flow Stage – select the appropriate minor stage from the list
- Calculation Method – there are several calculation methods available, however each is suited to a different scenario. Our default options are typically Cal Days – Standard duration between fields 1 and 2, and Work Days – Standard duration between fields 1 and 2.
- Allowance – how many days do you wish to allow staff to have before it is expected that the task is complete
- Order – where in the list of work flow tests do you wish to have this particular test
- Notes – any additional notes that you wish to add to this test